1. To immediately blame the nearest, most blamable thing for something/a situation when the real thing to blame is yourself.
This is most common with parents and leaders/people in places of power in establishments/companies, sometimes in governments.
Once, a kid got sick from second-hand smoking, and his parents (who were heavy smokers) blame shielded and blamed the kid's phone and the internet.
: the subjective interpretation (a story) of someone's behavior (that may or may not be true) that is used to blame, criticize or otherwise target them as the cause of something
I have nothing to say about your story-blame comments that I drank too much and was flirting with everyone because the facts are, I had one beer and I didn't flirt with anyone.
It’s not your fault if you blame the Indians let me explain if the Indians killed Christopher Columbus A lot of people in the Americas wouldn’t be alive so if the Indians killed Christopher Columbus you wouldn’t be alive making you not mess up
Person one: why do you do that
Person two: I blame the Indians!
This is when there is a horrible piece of art or gross food on the table that needs to go away but there is not a polite way to remove it. So, you destroy it and then blame it on the ghost.
Person 1: What happened to that horrid, inspirational cat poster the boss put on the wall?
Person 2: I couldn’t stand it anymore and ripped it off the wall! What will I tell her?
Person 1: Blame it on the ghost! There is always some spooky shit going on around here.