The flap located on a specific style of phone case that has a wallet-like flap attached to the back of it. This style is often used by boomers for it’s “practicality”, as they can use it as a handy place to stash all their coupon cards.
“Is that Karen taking a photo of us with her phone?”
“Nah, she can’t be, she‘s got the boomer flap down”
2👍 1👎
My grand-dad thinks he's making his point more effectively
when he kicks on that capslock button.
Boomer font, baby!
70👍 1👎
The most self-righteous, self-important, incredibly arrogant generation of all time. The progeny of the Greatest and Silent Generations, who grew up with the hardship of the Great Depression and won World War 2, the baby boomers had everything handed to them on a silver platter from day 1.
They act as if the world (particularly THEIR progeny, Generations X and Y) owes them a gigantic debt of gratitude for how they perceived they changed society. They romanticize their promiscuous, drug-induced escapades as having been some sort of Earth-shaking cultural movement that changed the course of history. As if they were the first and last generation to get fucked up and have random sex, and as if that somehow changed the world.
By the 80s every hippie had somehow lost touch with his values of altruism, free love, and selflessness, and had transformed into a suit-wearing, cutthroat yuppie. By now he's a middle-class suburbanite slob. Growing increasingly irrelevant, the baby boomer is trying to insist that his generation was God's gift to the world when in reality it was a selfish, petty, hedonistic generation that turned its back on everything it once stood for.
With modern medicine and a society that is increasingly health-conscious, the boomers are guaranteed to live on for decades beyond their utility, leeching off their posterity (a younger generation smaller than their predecessors, the first Americans who failed to reproduce at a sustainable rate) to the very end.
Baby Boomers: You punk kids should show some respect for your elders!
Punk Kid: Weren't you the ones who invented the phrase "Don't Trust Anyone Over 30?"
2457👍 319👎
An unbelievably confused old guy
Did you see Scomo cruising the beach in his Speedos?
Yeah, that dickhead is king of the boomers.
when someone (A boomer) is so determined to live like they are in the 1900's that they force they're family to live like: women in the kitchen, men outside working or some shit and kids playing with toys and riding they're bikes or something.
person A: my dad is so much of a boomer + he wants me to actually live like I am in the 1970's.
person B: damn those species are rare.
2👍 15👎
A man that believes all Millennials are entitled weaklings but receives Medicare, Social Security, and watches Fox News non-stop to reinforce his notions that the younger generations are worthless and is easily offended when he is told they are actually paying taxes to ensure his survival. He doesn’t handle curse words well. He Believes anything you tell him as long as it involves the invisible sky wizard and prophecy.
My dad is a Boomer Faggot
120👍 13👎
Spoiled, arrogant, and self-absorbed, Baby boomers will try to convince you that they are the "greatest generation".
Baby boomers seem to be stuck in the 1960's and are convinced that the art of music peaked in that era, and therefore think highly of Jimi Hendrix, The Beatles, and The Doors; yet they think Classical Music is "crap".
Baby boomers are self-conscious and insecure about their own advancing age, so they address 20 and 30-somethings as children and teenagers in order to feel "young". They marry, and even have kids, with people more than half their age. They also drive around in sports cars in a laughable attempt to act "cool" and "with it", despite the fact these same people have no grasp on modern technology.
Baby boomers tend to call Gen X and Gen Y "lazy", "entitled", and "stupid", and act like they are perfect despite the fact the boomers had everything handed to them, as opposed to their parent's generation, who had to suffer through the great depression and WW2, and their children (Gen X and Y) who have to suffer through the worst economic downturn since the depression, which the boomers are responsible for creating in the first place with their whole "me me me" attitude.
Baby boomers can't accept the fact their generation is becoming irrelevant. They refuse to retire and pass the torch to the succeeding generations. Because if they had their way, they would be in control of politics and big business until they are all dead.
Example #1: Baby boomers were against the war in Vietnam in the 60's, but SUPPORTED the war in Iraq in the 2000's.
Example #2: Baby boomers are the main reason for the problems in the world today.
Example #3: Baby boomers are bitter because they are now seniors.
699👍 90👎