To pass gas or fart. Usually a stinky one like the stink bomb.
Yo, who just bust a bomb inside this room?
to sell "illegal" drugs to a vehicle that pulls up to your set, street, or house.
It is a trap because someone could be taking pictures or it could be an undercover or rat or setup!
I was short on cash, so I had to bust a trap.
That tennis player and his coach have had the mother of the bust ups.
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absolutely slamming the f*ck out of your penis with a meat tenderizer
“Dang bro I got pissed at my girl last night and just went home and started busting a cord”
This is what cherry inmates go through to be tested by other inmates to see if they are fighters or turn punk!
That new white boy went through a bronco bust and got turned into a bitch!
"Sup dude?"
"Nothin. Thinking about getting online and busting a lemon"
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Blown out vagina. Typically has many folds and hangs like the sleeve of a wizard. Bust meat looks similar to pigs vagina
“Man I took her pants off last night and it looked like she had an Arby’s roast beef sandwhich down there” -Person 1
“Aw fuck that’s some Bust Meat” -Person 2