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snow chimp

"the act of a white male pretending to be black "

that cracker is a mother fucking snow chimp

by henri dufour June 8, 2017

19πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž


see ferien

by HL October 14, 2003

1πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

chimp bastard

little chimp looking fuckers that eat a lot of fruit and shit alot and may look like obama

jimmy-"hey did you vote for obama?"
jonny-"o you mean that chimp bastard fuck on tv?! no way?!"

by fuck tits October 21, 2010

6πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

chimp boy

funnier way to say monkey boy

been staring at porno AGAin chimp boy?

by theCURLYwhoreson February 11, 2011

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link chimps

Stupid ass shit Nicki Minaj says when she needs to rhyme.

"Pussy game still cold, we don't get minks for that
When I'm poppin' them bananas, we don't link chimps for that"

by Kyno1 March 28, 2017

4πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Piss chimp

Someone who serves as a toilet slave. Can be applied to worthless people who deserve to be used as human toilets or toilet slaves.

He's such a piss chimp. Whenever I see his stupid face I just want to unload my piss on him.

by Craig in the Hat May 3, 2011

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Vertical Chimps

VERTICAL CHIMPS & BABOON~ETTS ; a vertical chimp can have a multitude of meanings… however according to Michael Fazio some VERTICAL CHIMPS are more VERTICAL than others & this species is what we are concerned with in today's world. It should also be noted that there is a subspecies of vertical chimps known as BABOON~ETTS which can only be defined as the female gender of the species although not much research has been done on the working of the female VERTICAL CHIMPS mental acuity for lack of research material.

Vertical Chimps ~ robustly defined accordingly a.k.a. Atypical Left-Wing Liberal Atheist Anti-God Fearing Dogs that bite the hand that feed them.

1 Descendents of Apelike Creatures varying in color or walk & walk in an erect fashion & have no understanding of a supreme being or deity & typically totally lacking in moral turpitude a.k.a. Newspaper Reporters, Lawyers, And Of Course Politicians ~ OBAMAS ~ !

2 Of coarse there are vertical chimps that are more VERTICAL than others and these are defined by many characteristics including Social, Economic, and Of Course Political Power Bases which in short would mean that the 44th PUSS STAIN is at the top of the { VERTICAL CHIMP CHAIN at least for the time being, and represents the American version of VERTICAL CHIMPS BABOON~ETTS until the baton is passed on to the 45th PUSS STAIN POTUS at which time America as we know it will have long ceased to exist ~!

by hoodwinkedbyanangel December 5, 2010

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