Used to reference a video game title that launches in a complete state without story content locked behind a pre-order or higher price tier.
Baldurs gate 3 launched as a feature complete game that tilted all the "do less for more money" game developers.
To have sex with an active member of all 5 branches of the US military (army, navy, Air Force, marine and coast guard).
I'm going to complete the pentagram after I sleep with a member of the coast guard.
Another name for the country of Croatia during World War II
Person 1: Dude, did you ever read about Croatia in World War II
Person 2: Yeah, It was a Complete Mental Patient
The scientific vernacular for shredding the pectoralis major, pectoralis minor and the serratus anterior while in the gym. (Aka, shredding the fuck out of your titty's).
Damn bro! That last rep gave me a complete titty fuck!!
another expression for deep throat
complete through, or deep throat, when a girl give a guy a blowjobb and the penis touches her throat
During the four play you stick your thumb in her ass and your middle finger in her J-J and drag her into the position you want to begin.
I was playing around with my woman and was having a hard time getting her into position, so by Completing the 6-Pack, I pulled her over to the edge of the bed and gave her a "Flying W". Botta Bing Botta Boom.
When something or someone is completely stupid and no normal word fits
Jack: the turtle walked on the wall, there's monkeys in the cabinets. All in all it's just complete dickery