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It is a combonation of the word confused and beffudled.

yo i'm so confuzzled

by ZZZEEEBBRRRAAA January 29, 2015


A word to explain confusion in slang. CREATED BY STELLA BITTOn

Wait what? I'm Confuzzled.

by sandrallorenssss March 4, 2018


1. the point of confusion where nothing no longer makes any sense. everything becomes fuzzy hence why it is incorporated into the word...con'fuzz'led.

"I'm so confuzzled about the relationship status between him and I."

by sexmetenderly April 20, 2010


Confused but way more and in a silly Gen-Z way

Bruh for real I'm confuzzled

by FiroFenixTheDumDum October 6, 2022


A mixture of feeling confused and puzzled. It also appears as "confuzzle" the verb, and "confuzzling".

"Man, that test left me completely confuzzled"

by Little Red in the Hood July 2, 2016


Confused with an aditude

I’m confuzzled on this math question

by Sunshine63936 January 30, 2021


really confused especially when playing a game or working

I was confuzzled when I was writing and came across a word that I didn't understand.

by bobjunior October 21, 2020