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Urban Dictionary's content guidlines

Policy of the Urban Dictionary

Please show me the Urban Dictionary's content guidlines.

by whateverisyounamecalled November 3, 2022


Tables listing contents.

Consult contentables for more accurate results.

by Hercolena Oliver August 28, 2008

content whore

a female that sells nudes or "content" online

It seems like every girl on any dating app turns out to be a content whore, I can't talk to any of them without them immediately asking for money.

by Bobby D. Booter July 14, 2024

8👍 1👎

content whore

A female who sells illicit pictures and videos of herself over social media online for money

Are you still talking to that girl from that online dating app? No man she seemed nice until I found out she was a Content whore, man I'm so tired of every damn female Hot or Not trying to sell themselves. Money money they will do anything for money

by Bobby D. Booter November 16, 2023

Pseudo Deep Content

Content that has no substance, is fake or not original but is passed off as “deep” and “real”

Dinner for Few and Are You Lost in The World Like Me are both Pseudo Deep Content

by ToxicDonut November 13, 2022

Content Poacher

A person who knowingly reposts another creators content without proper credit given to the original creator. Typically, content poachers will repost another person's content within a few minutes, hours, days or weeks from the date the original posted was made. If the timeline of a repost is longer than 3 months, they are probably not a content poacher by this definition.

They are a content poacher because the last 3 videos I posted they have reposted to their page within a few hours without giving me credit for my work.

by Anonymous Supporter May 26, 2022

Content guidelines

A bunch of bullshit you always skim by.

toobs: holy shit i´d rather die before reading the content guidelines, it would actually eat up half of my lifespan to do.

by im copper October 24, 2023