Source Code

Counter Strike

Game filled with complainers, wall hackers, and nerds. Has bad graphics.

Has a mascot that says BOOM! Head Shot!

Counter Strike Terriorsit: Terriost's Win!

by Smedy June 28, 2006

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The best online game of all time. Often put down by people who tried to play, got pissed off because they sucked, and quit. Combines reflexes and strategy.

Oh man, I must have played Counter-strike for six hours yesterday.

by Tyler May 24, 2003

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nickname for the online team-based shooter "Counter-Strike." Similar in structure and meaning to the popular EverQuest nickname EverCrack. Refers to the addictive nature of the game.

Steve played fifty hours of Counter-Smack this week!

by Flaming Moose December 7, 2004

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the act of counter-acting a douchebag move by putting an even larger, douchier douchebag move into play.

"Holy crap, Luke just counter-douched the shit out of Trevor. Trevor made fun of Luke's shirt, but Luke depantsed Trevor and everyone saw his 2" penis."

Trevor wore a backwards hat, Luke wore a backwards hat with a popped collar and lanyard sunglasses.

by Semenema April 20, 2010

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turd counter

an extemely anal retentive and obssessive compulsive person

John keeps meticulous notes on his bowel movements i.e. size, shape, color, consistency, how they feel when they come out. Nothing escapes John's attention. John...what a turd counter.

by Michael Mcfascist December 4, 2008

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Counter jockey

n. a retail store employee, usually a teenager, who works a register.

That emo girl's dressed like a Hot Topic counter jockey.

by wayfarer April 30, 2005

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Gaygar counter

A device for measuring gaydiation; similar to gaydar, but used to measure flamboyant (i.e. dangerous) gayness rather than to subtly distinguish those in the closet from metrosexuals.

Man, my gaygar counter is going crazy. Your gaydiation levels are off the charts.

by qchu February 8, 2009

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