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biden creepy

When someone (usually older, male or female) is blatantly staring at you or otherwise making you feel uncomfortable, that it’s of presidential proportions, it’s

Biden Creepy.

“I’m trying to workout and that old dude is just staring at us. It’s Biden Creepy

by Lion240 August 6, 2021

creepy monkeys

A group of furry apes that hide in your closet and watche you sleep

Oh my god look at that those creepy monkeys

by Dovahboss365 February 25, 2016

creepy mccreepster

a derogeratory term for a teenage boy who likes to creep on girls, for example by knowing their bra size or referring to inappropriate parts of a female body in a creepy manner.

girl 1- ew he wont stop talking about an 'uberhole'

girl 2- ew! he's such a creepy mccreepster!

by gaydecock4lyf June 23, 2010

7👍 7👎

creepy pete

A radio dj by the name of Pete who has large pockets with unspoken idems inside.

That Creepy Pete has some might fine pockets.

by Ritilan Rachel March 11, 2005

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creepy cooter

a idiot

creepy cooter is a idiot

by creepy cooter April 28, 2017

4👍 3👎

Creepy crawlies

A phrase given to a pedophile that falls out of his wheelchair

Timmy was at the pool and a man asked him to help him back into the wheelchair and he was only wearing a Speedo, those creepy crawlies I tell you what.

by Chad was here November 28, 2017

12👍 18👎

Creepy Connie

A person who is very bold and unreserved in their interactions to the point of making others uncomfortable.

Person A: "He walked up to me at the bar and just started touch my hair."
Person B: "Ew! He's such a creepy Connie!"

by Brandon172250 April 11, 2017

3👍 2👎