A sexy ass man who you can’t resist and love and you want to fuck him so badly. Please Damian please I just want you PLEASEEE!!!
Damian you are so sexy god damn please give me your cherry
Most courageous guy around, and Yes its True a warrior of all sorts and in the bedroom .
I am a damian and ive made a woman cum 7 times once we literally had a fuck contest to see who would win ...
Damians also thrive on challenges , if something is too easy a Damian will by nature make it harder somehow just cause .
Damians push the envelope of societys edges especially in Art , Exploration , physical exhaustion and Invention.
Damian s also need to commune with Nature and higher Vibrational Frequencies .
Low frequency entities amd parasitic /succubi
Beings love damians inexhaustible energy reserves so it's important that Damian practice and learn some kind of reiki/metaphysical/Yogi
Practice sooner the better
Damian can also commune with other intelligences and loves other beings
So whenever an Alien/ET craft lands on Earth look no farther than your local Damian to welcome them with open arms while everyone else is scared shitless running around .
Its true damian loves to have a good time ...
Don't be like me and have to get rescued out of the wilderness by a special ops Helicopter search and rescue after falling down a dangerous waterfall cliff for your 41st birthday ...
But what a god damn awesome Bday present a Near death experience and an After Dusk helicopter rescue is ... Another chance at life ...
Damian needs lots of guidance and positive motivation while young ,
Wr need someone crazy , strong , skillful and brave enough to run into that mother fucker take these bastards out before they knew what hit em we need a damian
A musty ass nigga - he's is the musty -est nigga on earth. I'd 100% recommend don't go near that musty nigga.
He began jerking off in public - damn that's Damian, I remember that musty nigga from school.
Often known as the dooshbag, dickhead, and dimwit of the school. he is a strategical fighter and picks fights with everyone and kicks the shit out of people for no reason. Once lost his knife and later found it in the sleeve of his uniform. He is also anerexic as fuck. he eats shit tons but still manages to lose it faster than he gains it. Tends to be a retarded person.
Jewish fat head hacker and the FBI says hi
How did Damians survived the gas chambers
Your suck a Damian.