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Deaf Meat

Deaf meat is often referred to a clogged penile shaft. After repeatedly masturbating, a build up of salty hard cum sticks to the walls of the piss hole, making it impossible to take a piss. Only people who masturbate a lot are at risk.

Nurse, get me the surgeons, this patient has deaf meat. A surgical operation is imminent, and we may be required to remove a portion of this man's penis.

by Jesse935232 December 4, 2017

Brain deaf

One's confidence in their own capacity to articulate any given thing, yet evidently spew what results to word vomit. As related to tone deaf.

Noam Chomsky went totally brain deaf at yesterday's lecture; he moral signaled the entire time and sounded like he didn't have a clue at all about the topics that were meant to be discussed fruitfully.

by whereisthefood October 21, 2017

The Deaf Mute

When she’s blowing you, you cum in her mouth pop the cum balloon cheeks and it shoots out her nose. (Making it hard to speak and breath) Then, you take the nose cum and jam it in her ears!

Cheryl was blowing me so hard I accidentally gave her the deaf mute, by jamming the cum into her ears!

by Pissedoffeveryday February 5, 2023

deaf aid

deaf aid is a bluetooth device which looks just like a hearing aid

look at the size of that deaf aid that bloke is using

by tru trix November 19, 2008

Stream Deaf

When you are taking a piss while simultaneously attempting to carry on a conversation with someone outside the general vicinity of the bathroom and the noise of your urinary stream making contact with the toilet water muffles the noise of the out-of-bathroom correspondent's dialogue.

Man taking piss's friend - "Hey Mike, get out here. This football game is turning into a real barn burner."

Man taking piss - "I'm stream deaf bro! I cant hear you!"

by BK347 October 28, 2010

Tone Deaf by Eminem

You know it's an ear rape of a song when it starts with the words: "I have an ear infucktion and I cunt finger it out." Eminem claim's its his alter ego's fault but like how could anyone make this blunder of a song. "I can make orange rhyme with banana, bornana." FUCKING BORNANA???? We know he can do better than this. I know Eminem was calling out to gen z and all but this bad of a song cannot be expected from Eminem. The lyric video was tolerable but the music is basically a 5 minute intro to a song that never starts. THE BEATS NEVER KICK IN.

How do you legally kill a person?
Make him listen to Tone Deaf by Eminem.
"I can't understand a word you say"
"This way I think I prefer to stay"

by Aaditya Kaushik's secret lover April 23, 2022