Previously unknown prior to 2023. Since it’s discovery (TKODW), it has been named the strongest substance known to man. It took the place of graphene, which was previously known as the strongest substance on earth. Graphene has a grading 200x that of steel - the TKODW has an estimated grading of 300x that of graphene. Studies are being implemented to gather an accurate number.
Micah used The Knee of Divine Wrath to pulverize Brett’s shin.
When you are holding in a jizz so you don't lose any soldiers and you fart and the fart is the catalyst for eruption.
"what happened to you?"
"it stinks, i made a mess, it was Dante's Divine Comedy"
Divine moment
A divine moment is a situation where someone:
1. Total self-contradiction by debunking their own previous point.
2. Claims they will do something specific and then religiously does the exact opposite.
3. Acts in direct contradiction to an argument they just made.
4. Argues passionately about a topic they know jack shit about.
5. Displays annoying, contradictory, or hypocritical behavior.
These moments are marked by their blatant inconsistency, unintentional irony, and is often unintentionally hilarious or frustrating due to their sheer lack of self-awareness.
Divine: Well done, you figured out this word has different meanings.
Victim: You just acted like there weren't any..
Witness: Divine moment lol
A divine moment is when someone exhibits:
1. Total self-contradiction by debunking their own previous point.
2. Claims they will do something specific and then does the exact opposite.
3. Acts in direct contradiction to an argument they just made.
4. Argues passionately about a topic they know jack shit about.
5. Displays annoying, contradictory, or hypocritical behavior.
These moments are often unintentionally hilarious or frustrating due to their sheer lack of self-awareness.
Culprit: Well done, you figured this word has different meanings.
Victim: You just acted like there weren't..
Witness: Divine moment
Divinate is the name of a furry lookin headass motherfucker. He has many children in his basements along with 7 various furry suits that he wears each day of the week. They are all different colours so his blind ass can tell them apart
Person 1: Hey look, that's a furry
Person 2: No dumbass, those over there are referred to as Divinates. If you do not refer to them as that then they will cuddle you
Person 1: Oh shit I don't want those fuckin furry lookin headasses near me
Gianni Matragrano's theme song, which came from the hit game, Ultrakill (1998).
*divine intervention plays*
You come into MY DMS, ask for my time think that I'm some tool to be made fun of. Voice Actors are paid by an hourly rate, Travis, and mine is 200 Dollars!
When the hand from a miraculous outer realm comes down and snaps its holy fingers at you, granting you the rare ability to buy multiple aspirational homes at once, quit your shitty job for good, throw your crappy devices out the window at your neighbor, and swap the greasy bakery pie diet for salmon caught fresh from the rivers.
All of a sudden, thanks to the workings of divine intervention, I never have to panic like a psycho over getting to fucking work on time. It's time to lay back and invite the interior designer over to the house I bought with cash.
Due to divine intervention, Vivian got off the streets and into the arms of a silver fox and I really aspire to have all of that too.