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Falling in like

When you have had multiple heartbreaks, and are incapable of love; however, you grow infatuated and find a spark that causes some sort of unanticipated feeling

Falling in like hurts because maybe, possibly, I still have feelings.

by Y-ROC June 23, 2017

Tweaker Falls

Another name given by some for the town of Twin Falls, Idaho due to the large meth problem. To look cool some people put that as thier location on their myspace profiles. Yes, it is indeed sad.

Twin, Tiwn Falls, Tweaker Falls, however you want to say it its my town. . .

by "Red" December 18, 2009

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nigga falls

a place where niggas/black people go to go smoke weed and cocaine.

john: hey dude lets go to nigga falls.

jack: yeah sure lets go smoke and drink bacardi.

by kittycup December 6, 2018

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Fall damage

A glitch in the popular game "Fortnite" that haunts TSM_Myth's dreams


by Not Vortex December 9, 2018

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Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls, NY is a shithole that for some reason everyone loves to call home. people that live there rarely actually go to the falls unless they work there. home of jonny flynn and paul harris. you haven't had a steak and cheese sub til you've been to viola's. collosso taco is a staple. third streets crazy.

" I'm from shitty Niagara Falls, not sure why but i love it..."

by p-tezz December 8, 2007

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Falling back

When someone is acting, saying, or doing something fucking stupid and you just gotta stop and think about yourself and let them do them while you do you.

James: Wassup fam
Tee: Yo bruh I've been eating ass lately. Man you should try it.
James: Naw nigga, Im go but you know what Imma start falling back on your ass cause that ain't none of my business tho.

by Real Nigga Brown September 17, 2014

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fall back

An agressive term refering to someone that is acting up. Someone that needs to calm down, back off, or step off.

Tom "Yo son, where the fuk is my money?" Peter replies " What fam, you pressin me? YO FALL back!! FALL BACK!!"

by rszab001 June 18, 2007

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