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Someone who believes in equity for all genders and people. Doesn't want to take down men. Doesn't think women are better than men. Does want to be equal to men in a society that is run by idiots (mostly men, no offence)

Feminist: I want equity and equality for all
People who don't understand feminism: Feminists want to control men and rule the world
Feminist: just like what men are doing and have been doing for centuries...

by Ebelzie May 18, 2019

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A person who believes that, women and men should be equal in all or most aspects.

"The gender pay gap is real and needs to be solved!" said ButthurtMcWowImaCunt . "Well ButthurtMcWowImaCunt, you must be a feminist", said Chris Ray Gun

by Extra.__Chromosomes March 25, 2017

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A person who wants rights for women. Not equality as that would be an egalitarian. Although some feminists can choose to have a certain attitude, that is not all of them choose to act like that. A feminist can be anybody. Either male or female, fat or thin, gay or straight. It doesn't matter.

Johnny: Did you hear Carol is a feminist?
Carl: I'm happy for her. She's finally standing up for women.

by Mr Fink-Rat August 4, 2017

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A feminist is a person that supports the idea of a society where women are superior to men. They always make contradicting arguments on crappy YouTube videos and insist that it's equality if women get things for being women, but that taking note of that is misogyny. They believe in not taking any responsibility for anything that they do and instead blame either individual men, or the patriarchy. Feminism is not about equal rights, that would be egalitarianism. Why else would "Femin-" be in the title? They still think they don't have equal RIGHTS to men; They don't... they have MORE.

Samantha is a feminist. Dude stay away from her, if you look at her she will sue you for rape.

by CommonSense717 November 18, 2016

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Believing in the equal rights of men and women. Some men might think feminists are men haters but we just want each gender to be treated equally. Someone who hates men is sexist, not a feminist.

John: Are you a feminist?

Carly: Yes of course.

John: You hate men?!

Carly: No I think men and women should be treated the same and you should too.
John: I guess Iโ€™m a feminist then.

by Clams4Dayz June 23, 2018

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A term that used to mean "someone who thinks women should be equal to men" but nowadays generally means "a woman who thinks men should bow to women."

Man: Hey hun wanna have sex?
Feminist: Any male initiated sex is rape!

by cabby1234 September 2, 2011

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A person who supports equal rights. This word is often misused by people claiming to want equal rights but really just wanting special treatment, and people who think all feminists act as such. Now considered a bad thing, and often used as an insult.

Feminists are often NOW members.

(The misuse of "feminist")
Jane: Well, John, I think that since we're doing the same amount of work in the exact same position, don't you think I should be earning the same amount of money?
John: Jane, if you keep talking like that everyone's going to think you're a feminist.
Jane: OH MY GOD! I'm sorry, I'm not a feminist, I don't want anyone to think that!
(Correct usage)
Jane: Well, John, I think that since we're doing the same amount of work in the exact same position, don't you think I should be earning the same amount of money?
John: Jane, if you keep talking like that everyone's going to think you're a feminist.
Jane: Well, John, I am. And I'm proud of it. I just want equal pay.

by Kathryn F. Clarenbach/ E.C. June 4, 2009

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