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butt gnome

1) A small woodland creature that lives in the hair forest in and around ones Anus. Usually the thicker said forest, the larger chance one would be infested by Butt Gnomes. Usually found in males, but females can become infected if they have a hairy anus as well.

2) Term used as a verbal attack. Who would want to live in a forest of anus hair?

Example 1:
Josh: "How are your Butt Gnomes doing?"

John: "I found one today, when I had my finger in my ass."

Jason: "I will rape him later."

Example 2:
Josh: "Look at my popped-up collar! I am the coolest man alive!"

John: "Whatever, I am pretty sure Butt Gnomes pop up their collars too... What a fag!"

by Face February 23, 2005

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Deep Gnome

Deep Gnomes, are also known as svirfneblin, are legendary because they are so rarely seen. They live deep under the earth, where they create beautiful artifacts made of precious metals and gems, as well as fantastic creations of stonework. They live under constant threat of attack from other races. This has made the svirfneblin wise and agile, if somewhat timid and retiring.

Not your average lawn gnome

by smurf August 24, 2004

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Gnoming Squad

The team of which you go gnoming with. Usually a group of 3 to 5 lifeguards who will proceed to form a team of the best gnome stealers they know. Each squad will have a :
-team leader know as the proffesional gnomer who spots the gnome
-A driver who does not leave the car but willingly offers their car
-and 2-3 gnomers

Proffesional gnomer (PG): Do you want to be on my gnoming squad?
Boy: what's your gnoming squad?
PG: My team that will be leaving on a dangerous mission to collect as many gnomes as possible. It consists of good exercise and enormous amounts of fun!!

by Gnomingpoolhoppers March 19, 2009

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grundle gnome

Small gnomes that live in the grundle region, usually in a dirty grundle.

Dude, i was taking a shower and i could hear the grundle gnomes screaming as they were washed away!

by ThePunk June 3, 2007

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NS Gnome

One who complains about being too skinny, and only eats peas and energy drinks.

WTF? Fatty's turning into an NS Gnome.

by puddingking April 13, 2004

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Roaming Gnomes

Little, dwarf-like creatures with pointy red hats. By day, you may see them frolick merrily in people's gardens alongside tulips and fresh soil, though at night they are rumored to steal your undergarments, preferably socks. Some believe this is in protest of them being decorative lawn ornamnents.

Mom! That thing on the lawn stole my sock again!

by IndieGirl March 2, 2005

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underpants gnomes

Small characters made up on the show South Park. The underpants gnomes are small gnomes that sneak into your house at night to steal your underpants and somehow make a profit out of it.

Gaaaaah! The underpants gnomes are stealing my last pair of tighty whities.

by Sidney Vicious April 24, 2003

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