Source Code

ear hug

When two people lean in so far during an endearing hug, their ears connect.

During their goodbye rituals, they gave each other an ear hug.

by Umojanow328 March 17, 2018

Chill Hug

A prolonged non-awkward relaxed embrace

Dude I just want a chill hug bro

by Falcon4412 June 20, 2016

Buddy Hug

This hug is the one where you wrap your arms around your buddy as you pat them on the back. This hug is performed from the front or side.

The buddy hug is really more of a sympathy 'let’s be friends' 'we can still be friends, right?' hug.

by SundazeChild II May 13, 2013


Something that certain individuals always request because they were not loved as a child. Even if the request is denied on several occasions the individual will continue to request a Grund-hug as they desperately need some external validation, even if it comes at the cost of lack of respect or even feelings of hatred from others.

Person 1: Can you believe that guy he asked Grundy for a Grund-hug.
Person 2: That is so sad he must be a very unloved and lonely person.

by Grundles November 16, 2021

Awkward Hug

One word: Voldemort.

When Voldemort hugged Draco Malfoy in Harry Potter: Deathly Hallows Part 2, it was the most awkward hug in history.

by CanSomeoneSayAwkwardAgain? July 21, 2011

40πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Stuart hug

An amazing hug that is long and involves groping and hand movement

That Stuart hug lasted 12 minutes!

by Chugmuffin February 10, 2009

18πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Blair Hug

When a girl hugs you, with your face buried in her chest, usually between her boobs.

Origonated from the anime Soul Eater, where Blair the witch/cat hugs people into her chest.

"Mina was suddenly blairhugged by Alley, making her head go into Alley's chest."

Blair Hug

by MissSOcks November 19, 2008

16πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž