ik - shortcut for "i know"
"i know"
friend 1 - do you know about the new album of SB19???
friend 2 - yeah "ik" i actually already bought one!!
friend 1 - woww!! that so cool
Dutch word for 'I'. Or an abbreviation for 'I know'.
'Ik ben 16' (I am 16).
'Did you know that?' 'IK'
Something that is searched when a person is at the peak of boredom but somehow goes higher. Achieved by going from up to down on the keyboard and alternating the shift key at the same time.
You: I already typed qwertyuiop and 1qaz2wsx3edc4rfv5tgb6yhn7ujm8ik,9ol.0p;/-'=, what else is there?
Your friend: Have you tried !qAz@wSx#eDc$rFv%tGb^yHn&uJm*iK,(oL.)p:/_"+.
You: I could try that!
Such a good person.
She's so beautiful
Kind,smart, and actually funny.
She is crazy, and always make you laugh. So yeah, she is everything
The greatest chad in gaming history. Also, Aether.
Ike's best line ever: GREAT, AETHER!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ike is the hottest most sexy sex God a ever. Ike is a ladies man, he will not let anyone get away from him. 17 felonies and he is still the worlds most loved man. Ike will make you laugh then fuck ur mother and father, no remorse once so ever. You’ll remember him for the rest of your lifetime. He’s married my sister and he still the realest out there. Professional sex haver and all the girls are head over heels for him. Ike will rule the world
Daddy Ike? I could not live without him
Man, what would Ike do .