The thing that pops up when you make a definition on Urban Dictionary
Urban Dictionary: Please review Urban Dictionary’s content guidelines before writing your definition. Here’s the short version: Share definitions that other people will find meaningful and never post hate speech or people’s personal information.
Me: ait bet imma make a definition of this
Hope this email has informed you sufficiently.
informal is exacly like inform but if you used it in a sentance it would be "he is a very informal person"
he is a very informal person
The word that relieves you when you hear the phrase, "We're writing a test!"
Student 1: We're writing a test!
Student 2: What??? I didn't study.
Student 1: Don't worry its informal.
Student 2: Thank god.
Where information is being gather and disseminated about me. That's it. There is nothing else.
Hym "No. None of that is useful at all. Not even a little. Useful information would be where the information is being gathered. Nothing else is even semi-useful. I would even go as far as to say that it's USELESS."
Oh? You're going to release all of it? Wonder where he got that idea... Hmm... Good plan. Genius even! You might become a world renowned genius and archetypal figure!
Hym "Yeah, see!? When you're in dire straights I AM THE THING YOU EMULATE. Clearly the strongest living entity. And best. Better than everyone. Literally the greatest. I called dibs on it (if you recall). That's 3 now. Wait 4... Wait, no, 6. Wait... Steven, Mark, Todd, Jordan, Kanye, Andrew... Yep... 6. 6 famous millionaires. Tippy-top of the food chain. I can't figure out a way to sneak 'personal information' in here so... There..."
Revealing the identity of a confidential informant thus taking the person out of circulation for that purpose
The cops asked the prosecutor to refrain from burning the informant