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Ivan Rodriguez

One of the most famous and successful actors in homosexual pornography ever. He has sucked more cock than anyone else in history and been shafted in every orifice more times than anyone can count. He is an inspiration to homosexuals everywhere.

Hey, didn't Ivan Rodriguez suck Nick's cock 20 times yesterday?

Ivan robbed a sperm bank yesterday because he was thirsty.

by gangstaassnigga March 30, 2011

32πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž

crazy ivan

In bicyclist's lingo, a jogger who suddenly turns around without looking after reaching a mileage goal, usually with headphones on. If the crazy ivan is executed just as a cyclist is passing, it can be a dangerous maneuver, as the jogger is changing lanes to go the other direction. A jogger with headphones on may not hear an audible pass warning from a cyclist.

On the trail today, some runner did a crazy ivan and almost hit me. Idiot!

by Grizzlybike May 9, 2015

9πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Ivan's Penis

A tool used to convert straight women to the art of lesbianism

Ivan's penis turned the women into a lesbian.

by Phillip J Benoit September 27, 2004

46πŸ‘ 69πŸ‘Ž

ivan milat

bowel movement

I did a real big IVAN MILAT this morning!

by shep milat October 10, 2003

8πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Ivan 4kfl

Ivan v/ Ivan 4kfl is A boy from Florida, he is affiliated with Rockway K and 4kfl, he is currently surviving 132 years on 7 counts of aggravated robbery and 17 counts of murder, he is currently locked up with kay flock and John pork.. free tha bros

β€œFree my boy Ivan 4kfl” - Lionel Messi

by Linky Linky April 4, 2023

Helen and Ivan

This phrase will invoke fear into the minds of any Primary 6 (A 12 year old) who has ever attempted this dangerous question because of how ridiculously difficult it is (MOE pls don't sue me)

Here's the question:

Helen and Ivan had the same number of coins. Helen had a number of 50-cent coins and 64 20-cent coins.

These coins had a mass of 1.134 kg.
Ivan had a number of 50-cent coins and 104 20-cent coins.
Question 1: Who has more money in coins and by how much?
Question 2: Given that each 20-cent coin is 2.7 g heavier than 50 cent coin, what’s the mass of Ivan’s coins in kg (kilograms)?

Teacher: Ok guys lets try this question!
Students: *Sees Helen and Ivan in the question*
Students: *Faints*
Students: I HATE MATH

by ItsTigerrr September 21, 2023

Ivan the Terrible

A nickname for someone called Ivan if they're terrible. Used mostly in gossiping, but can be used in other circumstances too. Referring to Ivan IV Vasilyevich.

Ivan is such an Ivan the Terrible!
Ivan the Terrible is so much like my cousin!
Ivan is such an Ivan the Terrible, he cheated on my friend!

by Waea March 3, 2023