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Lamb's Rum

A British naval rum that is reported as being delish, but is generally consumed by homosexuals and hipsters at establishments frequented by arseholes.

Billy - 'If you boys come to the Cockin Squire, I'll shout you a Lamb's Rum and a dutch rudder'.

by adeadenemyalwayssmellsgood January 13, 2016

24๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

lambe chocha

Spanish words meaning:

1. To lick a vagina.
2. To be pussy whooped
3. An endearing term for a friend who would lick a vagina.

Pepito would not come out because his girlfriend, Guadalupe would not let him. You could call him a lambe chocha because he is at the mercy of the cooch.

by Sparko March 27, 2008

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Lamb of God

Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior of the world.

Jesus is the Lamb of God.

by beme March 6, 2006

91๐Ÿ‘ 99๐Ÿ‘Ž

lamb hangings

See beef curtains.

by Dave October 11, 2003

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Happy lamb

A kind act that makes a lamb happy.

Eric is a happy lamb since his friends decided to visit him in California.

by Eric December 2, 2002

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Leg of Lamb

A Leg of Lamb is a sex act that is frequently preformed between two large homosexual men. Where one man lubricates the inner portion of the thigh and under the knee area, then the other man inserts his penis into the lubed up and folded leg and fucks it.

" I don't have a wet pussy but I do have this tight, wet Leg of Lamb for you!"

by J. Alan Wanglorde January 14, 2013

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Lamb nguyen

When someone is a bottom tier asian they are lamb nguyen.

Man 1: bro yuto is the best
Man 2: no johnny is better
Man 1: no bro he's such a Lamb nguyen. He's trash. XD

by Beeperds December 10, 2018

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