add “ness” at the end of every word
that’s so lit”ness”
call that ariel lang
ledgendary resiidence of real bodmon in camden
Me outside Lang ting close brudda
A male human who hits inanimate objects, and acts cool afterwards. Langs is a short from for langgar, which is "hit" in Street Malay.
an AMAZING HOT ASS CHICK... who IS taken.. Shes the best girfriend in the world!
GOD DAMN.... She is hot... (dude1)
I KNOW!!!! (dude2)
She is victoria lange (dude1)
It is a Taglish word which resembles weird flex but ok
Guy 1: Kumusta nong, may bagong PS4 Pro, bumili ako sa SM kahapon
Guy 2: Weird flex pero okay lang
Damn, that's messed up.
I don't want to do it.
Or a reaction to something bad that has happened.
Katrina : I wrecked my car today.
Liz: That's a dang-o-lang.
Such a whore. She seems fine but she is a succubus eating your soul for the grace of Donald Trump. Herpes could be her first name and ghonoera her surname.