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A stupid mistake people tend to make, but cannot stop themselves from repeating it again.

I'm in love.

So stupid for me to fall in love again.

by elmojaijaii November 5, 2011

19๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


Being broke together

Me and my girlfriend are in love. We're broke together.

by JasperFSC February 22, 2007

20๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

in love

Staying up hours and hours thinking of them, and when you finally fall asleep, you dream of them; wishing that they could be with you everytime; getting in trouble with parents and cops for them; being GLADLY willing to die for them.

I can't do this anymore Bob, I'm in love with Joe.

by sexychicken May 24, 2005

708๐Ÿ‘ 397๐Ÿ‘Ž


Love, my friend, is a wonderfully, wonderfully, shitty thing.

There have been, and indeed, are, numerous attempts to define love, but the truth is, there really is no set definition.

* Love can mean completely different things to different people.

* For some, it is the heady rush, the constant butterflies and silly smiles that grace one's face.
*For others, love is the ever-present peace, the constant comfort and the assuring knowledge that the one you love is there.
*For others still, it is the aching longing, wanting and mad fits of possessiveness, and even obssession that define love.

One thing that we can be certain of, is that its a powerful thing. I hesitate to say emotion, as it seems much too callous and cold to describe love.

*After all, love has sparked wars, and ended feuds, love has hurt, and love has healed, love has driven mankind to dizzying extremes, only to abruptly bring one back round.

*Love is a fickle thing.

*Love has healed. Love has comforted. Love has made people insanely, foolishly, abnormally euphoric. Love has the ability to send one on an indescribable high, and make everything and anything so much better. The world around you is much more colourful, the people, much more nicer, the conversations more insightful.

*Love has also in shocking contrast, brought out the darker side in us all.
People have murdered for love, stolen, hurt, abused. Countless have died on the fanciful longing of a foolish leader in love. Love makes us foolish, blind and ignorant. It makes us defy our own morals and ideals, just for the slightest sign of affection or approval.

*Love can take many forms.
There is the love between friends, the love for a god, the love of family, the love of an object, or the like, and of course, the love shared between two people in a relationship.

*There is also unrequited love, which is the single most painful thing in the world.
There is also lost love, by which I mean two true lovers who are somehow separated unjustly. Time may have passed, whole continents may separate them, perhaps even death itself, but this love never forgets and thus, still mournfully aches.

*Love is foolhardy and irrational.
It makes no logical sense, to like a person so much so, that you become completely ignorant of their faults and would do absolutely anything if the other would approve.

*Love is a dangerous, dangerous thing. And too many have been hurt by it.

*And so, one wonders, why do we still crave it?

(The little *'s are like, the main points. This isnt much of an exact 'Love is this' type thing but obv. its hard to define it, so Im just writing down my ponderings. :)

An example of love?
Different examples for different people.
Theist = God,
Me = My parents
etc. etc...

by FoolForYou February 8, 2009

133๐Ÿ‘ 66๐Ÿ‘Ž


When you realize you want to be with someone forever. When you find something that you can not live without or ever wish to be without.

I love Caitlin Elizabeth Mercier more than anything in the world.

by muffin26 November 16, 2007

21๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


A waste of time in some people's opinion.

Gosh, love is love.

by Helo Kermit the frogggg here January 29, 2017

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I understand why you searched up love, but don't you know that no one understands it?


by Free Spirit Curly Hair October 22, 2013

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