Symptomatic of global guilt and a victim mentality on social issues usually voiced via social media or rallies.
The keyboard warriors are suffering a severe bout of moral hypochondria
is my girlfriend and if you touch her i will find you and kill you bitch she's my boo
aubrey its me j a v a n a..
i love you
aubrey morales is bae, senpai, or even boo
When someone does not subscribe to any particular type of morality or and is flexible with values. And switches between them as its convenient
You can find them mostly among people who want to have it both ways
Jane is having an open relationship on her end but will flip if her partner sees anyone else. When it comes to relationships she is morally agnostic...
A whitewashed version of Miles Morales
Person 1: Look at this drawing of Miles Morales I did
Person 2: Nah bro that’s Mild Morales. Why is he white???
And I can't buy my way into a CEO position at several companies. The working class can't retire today in the same way the celebrity class can. I can't get paid 100,000 to read the shit I wrote at an Ivy league graduation ceremony. I can't produce and edit something (something of which I am so confident in it's future success that wave the director's salary for a direct 10% cut of the profits) that someone else wrote and receive full credit for it.
Hym "And there is the problem with all the moral posturing. You abide things you find morally wrong arbitrarily and selectively. Shit, I can't get a fat defiler-looking whore to bring me prostitutes in the same way that the retard class can."
"Moral" argument against gay or lesbian sex on the grounds that "the parts don't fit", as though bodies were supposed to be parts of a jigsaw.
Rome and Topeka have chimed in again with their discussion on how the seam line doesn't match up. More jigsaw morality.
Oops ... I just realised, our parts don't fit, umm, let's call it off. Hey, hold on, I know ... wanna go bowling?
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