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cock munch

1) noun. a homosexual or annoying person.
2) verb. to eat penis, perhaps for a living.

1) Jimmy was such a cock-munch that he decided to buy 500 swedish gurkins.
2) Bob cock-munched his way all the way to alabama.

by ollie bum fucker February 21, 2004

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monster munch

1) A tasty corn snack available, inter alia, in beef flavour. Mmmm.
2) Snogging ugly birds. Mmmm.

Lets go for a monster munch. I want the taste of beef on my tongue.

by Steve August 28, 2003

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munch rug

eat hairy pussy

i want to munch rug.

by chovasie January 13, 2009

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Munched out

The last step of the munchies.

Steps of the munchies
1. Aquire the munchies
2. Munch out
3. Being to full to eat anymore aka. "Munched Out"

by lol378490 October 21, 2014

Munch appeal

When you see a Girl(or guy) and decide right there on the spot that you would eat them

Jeff:"Jenn is soo Jucie!"
Freddie:"Shes Got Munch Appeal!!"

by mookiesooxjsjhsghd December 5, 2006

guff munch

a person/being that consumes and digests methane gas (guffs/farts) commonly for pleasure and joy. guff munchs scran guffs typically as the guffer walks away or isnt looking by open mouth inhaling them so they can get a full taste.

"see that girl ava she is a guff munch she likes wet ones"

by cal.lancey April 9, 2023

Moob Munching

The act of munching a moob (man + boob)

Roy is moob munching Andy

by henkdevries69 June 25, 2010