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cottage mung

Cottage mung is a cheese curd product with a mild flavor. The curd is usually washed to remove acidity giving sweet curd mung. It is eaten in salads, with fruit, and with fruit puree. Cottage mung is a favorite food among bodybuilders for its high content of protein while being relatively low in fat.

My great aunt fixed me a delicious bowl of cottage mung with sliced pears.

by wilcod February 8, 2008

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mung rag

The stiff and unwashed towel in the corner or under the bed that one keeps hidden from guests. It is used to wipe up the ejaculate after rubbing one out in the privacy of your bedroom. It is often left out for months on end.

After I logged off of thehun, I cleaned up with my mung rag, dropped it behind the bed and decided to get ready for work.

by BunEsabos September 3, 2006

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1.) A term used when a guy sleeps with a nasty girl and does sick sexual acts with her.

2.) A nation or nation-state who's nation past-time involves munging.

He went all mung-nation on her last night.

by Cowboyfennik March 30, 2006

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mung pirate

one who sell/trade mung for candy or various drugs(crak,tweak,H, Ebombs)

I bartered with a mung pirate, I gave him pixie sticks.

by turboshef April 13, 2006

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mung donor

A mung donor is one who declares, in their will, that their body (after death) will be used for the purposes of munging. This is often done for the financial gain of a specific church or charity, or just because they like the idea of it.

My Uncle Harry was a mung donor, he gets munged every Friday.

by stia-styles June 27, 2007

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Mung Loaf

The very, very, very stinky shit you take when a mung load has passed through your digestive system.

I thought nobody would ever stop puking when I dropped that mung loaf I had been baking since last night.

by Johnny DeWadd Watkins July 31, 2006

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Another name for Testicle.

Hey, u have a grose mark on ur mung.

by Steven Watson January 5, 2006

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