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Something that requires singing. Rap is not music because its just losers saying words with somebody else that gets no credit playing some music in the background. Screamo is music because it has a rhythm and is not screamed through the whole song, there is some singing, unlike rap.

Jessica) Put on some music!

Katrina) (puts 50 cent CD into cd player)

Jessica) That's npt music! Its just people talking with music in the background!

Katrina) Ya, you're right.

Jessica) hmmmm... Put this Aiden CD in, and then we can listen to the Used or My Chemical Romance

Katrina) Thanks for not letting me put that CD in! NOw I won't become pregnant at 16 from being influenced be what they say in these "songs"

Jessica) Your welcome. I had to save myself. They're not songs, there just people talking.

Katrina) You're the best friends ever! You give advise on how to not become a whore! Not listen to rap! I luv you!

by Young Gothic Rocker Chic November 25, 2005

54๐Ÿ‘ 155๐Ÿ‘Ž


Music is an expression... its an expression of self, your emotions, your life, the good, the bad, and everything in between. It's an escape from the world around us, whether you listen to music to drown out annoying family, or you play and write music to help you get through the tougher times in life. But, to any true musician, music is a way of life. It seems alot of musicians these days play music for the money and fame, but a real musican doesnt play for the money, cars, women... no, they play for the people out there who listen, they play for the feeling they get the moment they step out into the light, seeing the fans who wait, wanting to hear you play, they play for the sheer fact that they love doing it, and because music has become a part of them. To them, a life without music would be like waking up without your senses, like a huge emptiness inside them, unable to communicate how they truly feel.

Led Zeppelin, Johnny Cash, just some people who play amazing music etc.

by Vee4 March 17, 2011

8๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. What makes the world complete
2. something used to survive a difficult situation
3. a mode of transportation from this world to a new one temporarily

1. i felt like i was missing something, then i listened to some music :)

2. Susie: "today was really tough"

John: "you should listen to music. It makes everything better"

3. Penny: "What happened to you?"

Kate: "When i listen to music i forget where i am. i dont hear whats going on around me and i forget about my problems"

by inluvwithmuzik July 2, 2010

8๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž


The mentality of any typical music major college student that all other students are lazy, talentless, uneducated, of a lower class, and lack ambition. This mentality is commonly matched with an arrogant attitude, whining, and a love of juvenile drama. Students with this mentality strive to appear hard-working and over-achieving. The place to find students like this is the music department of any college or university. Musicality may disappear with age or upon graduation, but the arrogance has a high chance of remaining.

Student: "Whew, I had to wake up at 10:00 today, man..."

Music Student: "I've been awake since 7:00, carried my bari-sax all over campus, had three rehersals, practiced my brains out, eaten ONCE, been grocery shopping, aired up my bike tires, solved a Rubiks cube, and finished my physics AND music theory homework, YOU LAZY ASS!!"

Student: *rolls eyes* "You and your damn musicality..."

by tayrea19 January 23, 2011

7๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž


the worlds best thing ever. Without music theres no dance with out dance theres no skatting. so whats left to do? play football? maybe but what happens when winter comes its cold. theres nothing to do. sound is just like music only talking you can sound dull, music you can't if you really listen to the words. Songs can have to do with sadness, love(mainly), sex, or even pontless. Music is a fun and peacful way of explaining what you feel. However you can write a song and all but inoreder to make it music in needs gutair at lest. Music can block out some things thats bugging you. Some songs are bad some are good. but thats up to you you may like 80's and your family may like country. Music is for life. Music is for the soul


by cupatercake May 1, 2009

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The language of the people.

"heyy where are you from..?"
"i'm from Canada, but i speak Music"

by rhcplover June 16, 2008

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Music, as you know it, sucks. Music is not a recording. Music is not a band or any musicians (most modern musicians, mainly guitarists, bassists, and drummers, suck anyway). Real music does not have to be recorded. Real music is written down in standard notation, but since most modern music is too horrible to be written down, and since most musicians can't read music at all, it doesn't even matter. Music continues to suck.

Ask a so-called "musician" these days to recite the circle of fifths, order of flats, or even the key of Cmaj. He probably won't be able to do it. Once people stop becoming classical musicians, music is screwed forever.

by Anonymous February 2, 2004

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