Mostly, Unemployed, Trailer, Trash.
Derogatory term sometimes used by law enforcement.
" That MUTT needs to get a job so he stops calling 911 every day."
Mostly, Unemployed, Trailer, Trash.
Derogatory term sometimes used by law enforcement.
" That MUTT needs to get a job so he stops calling 911 every day."
Cause of inconvenience.
“My teachers been mutting it lately, gave us 2 essays to write by tomorrow. “
“Bro give me my cart back, you’re mutting it.”
“Bruh look at this traffic, what a mutt. “
“Damn bro I just shattered my screen, what a mutt. “
“Yo postmates, where’s my food? You’re mutting it!”
person who is abnormally obsessed with his five oclock shadow.
Damn mutts, they always up in here pullin that stupid sh*t and sh*t.
Commonly used in Ireland as a slur to describe someone who has one parent that is catholic (nationalist) and another parent that is protestant (unionist)
A person with diverse tastes and eclectic styles.
)not real people)
Stacy: I love Y2K, emo, kpop and country music!
Martha: Oh my goe you’re such a Mutt !