Source Code

bingo night

Sexual act when you fill your butt with numbered ping pong balls and hang upside down while your partner kicks you in the stomach to pop them out one at a time

Last night I did bingo night with my girlfriend

by PM_ME_DANK_MEMES June 29, 2018

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Moscato Night

A week night during which you drink Moscato (or any other alcohol), do homework, accomplish things, and hang out with your girls. Can also be spent watching baseball.

"Hey girl, let's have a Moscato Night" "Heck yeah! We can get all our homework done so we can go out on Friday night!"

by KellSmells November 12, 2013

Friday Night

A relative term indicating the hedonism, partying, and inebriation that accompanies the end of the work week, regardless of the actual day of the week it occurs.

JesΓΊs: Hey Jim, where are you off to?
Jim: It's Friday Night, JesΓΊs!
JesΓΊs: But it's only Thursday.
Jim: I have off tomorrow! Time to go get shitfaced!

by Archibald S. Holbroke August 29, 2010

59πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

House of Night

A better vampire/vampyre series than the Twilight saga. And should be more popular.

Usually reffered to as HoN by fans (like myself)

Me: (to a friend) Hey! Have you heard that the House of Night series might be a movie?
Friend: Seriously?!

Me: Yup.

Friend: OMG. Can't wait!
Me: *nods* I completely understand.

by randomvampfan July 3, 2010

75πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

night train

High potency wine--18%--made from, pears or grapes or apples or "perry" fruit (whatever that is.) Night Train is produced in Modesto California and is sold dirt cheap. It is, however, is a favorite of broke drunks hanging out on park benches. They usually refer to Night Train as a "Trilla." But you'd have to be drunk on Night Train to be able to fully understand why.

Drunk #1: "How much you got on a pint of Night Train?"
Drunk #2: "I got 53 cents on another Trilla, dude."

by carlos mack September 2, 2008

144πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž


When one wakes up in the middle of the night, having to take a massive shit.

Dimitri Krokos woke up in the middle of the night and had to take a massive night-shit.

by Sexy Cock Munchers May 6, 2011

28πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Trivia Night

A trivia night is a large group event, usually staged to benefit a charitable cause or organization.

During a trivia night, a master of ceremonies reads trivia questions split up into different categories or rounds. The questions are then answered by different groups of people in an audience. These groups, also known as "teams" or "tables," typically consist of six to 12 people who have paid an admission fee to participate. At the end of each round, a representative from each team turns in its answers to a panel of judges who then calculate the scores for each team. The teams compete against one another with the top two or three teams receiving prizes.

Trivia nights are held throughout the United States, but are particularly popular in the St. Louis, Missouri metropolitan area, where upwards of 30 trivia nights occur on any given weekend.

Hey, I'm getting together a table for trivia night - are you in?

by el_bob March 3, 2009

91πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž