Source Code

lotto tickets

In Detroit this is slang for packets of heroin because it often comes wrapped up in old lottery tickets especially if you buy it at the Brewster-Douglas projects.

yo, ya wanna throw dome some scrilla on a few lotto tickets?

by Krunk Nasty October 22, 2007

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miracle ticket

A ticket to a Grateful Dead show.

I got my miracle ticket minutes are arriving.

by RcChuck September 13, 2013

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selling tickets

a person, more than likely female, that is constantly trying to have sex with random people at all times. preferably in bunches, such as an orgy.

synonym of ''running a train''.

as an on-looker; ''damn that hoe lookin' fine..high heals, mini skirts, lookin sexy..i bet she' sellin' tickets"

as the female; "boy you know i need the dick by the plenty, im selling tickets"

by chip chocolate November 10, 2010

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Ticket To Ride

A promise for future sex, to be cashed in by the recipient at their convenience.

Jill gave Jack a ticket to ride in return for paying her rent.

by NotFromWroxall April 6, 2015

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Ticket to Slaytown

An alcoholic beverage, traditionally served in a pint class. Generally made up of ice and Vermouth.

Patron: Yo, bartender! Gimme a Ticket to Slaytown!
Bartender: What the hell are you talking about?
Patron: Geez, go back to bartending school, amateur!

by Bruce Slaypiece September 22, 2008

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douche ticket

like the insult douchebag, but more fun to say

"stop being such a douche ticket"

"that ref is a douche ticket"

"her boyfriend is a complete douche ticket"

by northeastcollegekid January 23, 2012

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ticket whore

Someone who excessively buys a ridiculous amount of tickets for concerts, sporting events, etc.

My wife is such a ticket whore. She has a ticket to every event that's going on in town.

by loopit September 9, 2015

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