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a: A disrespectful term used when you completely don't care about what someone else is saying.
b: Shortened way of saying okay.
c: Another way to say thousand.

a: girl: omg I am so mad at you!

guy: k
b: guy1: lets get some McDonalds

guy2: k
c:guy: I make 25k a year, yeah i live in my mom's basement.

by theburningchicken March 31, 2016

4πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


/k/ refers to "kopitiam" (coffee shop/chit chat) section the lowyat.net forum (which is one of the largest community forum in malaysia according to Alexa)

/k/ was created with efforts to make the "kopitiam" section of LYN forum a wannabe of /b/

/k/ is usualy where malaysian teenagers who have nothing better to do with their time post nonsensical stuff

dear /k/, what do I do now?
/k/ is not your personal army
/k/ is not your personal blog
please post at /k/ and you will get replies
you do not belong here in /k/
back to the kitchen you biatch

stop posting in /k/

by suiteng December 12, 2009

72πŸ‘ 131πŸ‘Ž


a term for go fuck yourself you ugly whore lookin' ass bitch.

K Alyssa

by gregoryfan83 May 31, 2018

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

k lo k

K lo K is a dominican slang..It meansz whatsz go0od..or wutsz up wit chu.

juan:ayy k lo k?
melisa:naaa just chillin.Ya tu sabe

by Kristie1989066 October 2, 2006

277πŸ‘ 72πŸ‘Ž


An answer after recieving usless or uninteresting information.

Pronounced (kay- dot- dot-dot), usually said with a scarcastic tone.

Jake: Did you know; Halifax has more bars per capita, than anywhere else in the world?
Matt: k...?

Lily: My father once bought a sandwich at that store
Macey: k...?

by whyareyoutellingmethis? February 3, 2011

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When you're too lazy to respond to someone so you use k to say that you're okay with the person. K is also okay just shortened down to be more lazy.

<Guy1> I'm going to watch Batman vs Superman!
<Guy2> K.

by CookieDude582 April 4, 2016

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Girls favorite text to send when she's mad.

Boy: I love you 😍
Girl: K

Boy:❀ πŸ’™ πŸ’™β€

Girl: K

by hibitch😈im.the.devil.πŸ˜‡ January 14, 2017

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