Source Code


The red this is the seed, you can take it out and put in things like salmon and... come to think of it salmons the only thing.

by Ferret June 28, 2003

9πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž


Pronounced "All-of-Her" Term used to warn a friend that he is being approached by a large woman. Once alerted to the danger, he can then take evasive action.

"Hey man, look over there, I see Oliver!"

by Two Ply July 11, 2008

157πŸ‘ 629πŸ‘Ž



Oliver is such a retard

by McAfgan Dan August 15, 2018

3πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


An Oliver is someone who’s very depresssed and doesn’t seek happiness in his life. He thinks he messes up and is very selfish.

He’s such an Oliver

by Ollie.ah June 24, 2018

3πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


An extremely judge-mental boy who is two-headed and bitches about everyone. He is the type of boy who will slag everyone off if they eat meat as he is as vegetarian, but secretly eats KFC every night, his mom caught him haha.

You heard of Oliver? YEAH! HE'S A RIGHT DICK HEAD!

by garlicgirlissoawesomelol March 16, 2015

14πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž


Is a massive fuck boy and is in this country illegllly and should be deported he’s a cheater bastard to 3 side chicks that he fingers at once

Oliver is a foreigner

by legeet dude 4 life February 18, 2018

4πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


I don't know if an olive could be considered a vegetable or not.
It's a type of plant that resembles a green grape, but with a more rubbery texture. They are usually salty. This is probably due to preparation - sort of like pickling. And sometimes they have red things stuck in the middle, most likely for decorative puroposes.

There's no need for an example, everyone loves olives. Even you, come on, admit it. You know you like olives. Don't even try to deny it.

by Art Vandelay March 14, 2003

8πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž