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Dani Mocanu

Bossul bossilor din Arges
Are femei la produs, e vagabond, face orgii cu 7-8 femei deodata
Aka suleyman magnificul, si pescarul fermecat
Cel mai mare rapper roman
A se asculta am bani de ma enerveaza, eu nu dau inapoi si mafiot cu suflet mare

Coaie sunt atat de jmeker ca am poza cu dani mocanu
Baga ba dani mocanu (rap)

by Dracusorul69futetotcevrea August 12, 2016

33๐Ÿ‘ 37๐Ÿ‘Ž


A female skateboard designer who is scene and makes art. Mostly known as the new scene queen.

A scene girl named Dani-Destruction with blonde short hair and tons of makeup and skinny jeans and Pastrys.

by Michelle Lord January 3, 2009

6๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

dani g

A half city half country girl. Likes to party but can also be serous. Common phrase "Get the sand out my vagina"

Damn that was a Dani G moment

by 6 wil0liam 2 January 14, 2018

Dany P

Dany P is a good friend who cares about other ppl gambling addiction. so he gives out coins to them. he has beautiful hair and is nice to people who deserve it.

Dany P is my pendejo and my amigo

by luanesha April 17, 2023

Dirty Dani

The act of which you loose something great for something shitty.

Did you know that Paul pulled a dirty Dani ?

by Realglikelasagna March 12, 2023

Dani Beth

D.B. is the best person you'll ever meet. She is kind, sweet, and all around an amazing friend. She will do whatever for you without blinking an eye and is always there to help. She seems very innocent but really isn't. She is a very beautiful girl but she doesnt think so. She is fantastic and everyone sees that but her.

I freaking love Dani Beth!!
Dani Beth is the best trumpet player EVER!!!!!!

by The2ndbesttrumpet March 20, 2019

Dani Astray

Dani Astray

Dani Astray

by dawnguardx0x0 April 10, 2023