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Delicious Point

see calorie

Very delicious hence the name. It is a unit of measurement for how tasty a type of food is. The more delicious points in a type of food the better. You can find the delicious point count in the calorie section.

Man 1: Yo man. After that trip I ate about 8,000 delicious points.

Man 2: Wow man! That must have been delicious!

by Crabcakes5 July 8, 2015

Napster point

The turning point of technology as defined by Tom Scott. The moment you realize that a new technology has the potential to change the entire world but you don't know just how far that change will progress, just as how Napster upended the era of music on physical disk that you need to buy to listen and was the first herald of services like Spotify.

AI is the Napster point we're living through.

by Aonodensetsu February 13, 2023

swan point

Named one of the whitest neighborhoods in Maryland, swan point has a lot to offer. no need to worry about getting jumped by black gang bangers, or a shootout in your front yard, but don’t worry there’s tons of meth, heroin, and acid in these parts.

Hey jake wanna go shoot up heroin in swan point?

by balisticbubble5 August 26, 2019

Boyfriend Points

When the man does something correct and the girl gain respect for him

Girl: wow you get some Boyfriend points for knowing all of that about me

by Thadius thunder thighs August 16, 2016

fifa points

The most overpriced thing of all time.

I was gonna buy some Fifa points until I realized they cost more than my soul

by Mattiscool27 November 2, 2015

pussy points

when a boyfriend/husband says something sweet that makes his significant other go,awww,he scores a few pussy points,wich when collected in the full will get him pussy,jewerly or other presents can also get pussy points

when george said"you i will love you until the world ends" to lisa he collected a few pussy points

by evyn March 30, 2006

178👍 41👎

Triple Point

In scatodynamics, the triple point of a feces is the temperature and pressure at which three phases (for example, gas, liquid, and solid) of shit coexist in thermodynamic equilibrium. This is the perfect storm of gastrointestinal problems.

Chris was riding in the car and wasn't sure if he had to fart, shit, or maybe have diarrhea. "I think I'm at the triple point!" he exclaimed.

by Taco.P March 14, 2009

41👍 7👎