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martyr parents

Parents of children with special needs (particularly Autism and Down's Syndrome) who make their child's disorder about themselves. They typically make themselves the victim and act like their lives are so much difficult than their child's because of their child's special needs. They tend to post humiliating videos and articles online of their children, particularly of them having a meltdown.

Steven and Robin are such martyr parents, they keep complaining about not being able to take their severely Autistic child to rock concerts without him having a breakdown

by reniboo November 1, 2017

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ignorant parents

Ignorant parents are people who are unaware of how their behavior affects their own children.

First, parenting is behavior that is suited to train children into capable people, discipline them so they know how to navigate society, and help them grow into successful human beings. This can be done in many ways including having a mutually respectful relationship with children, helping them cultivate common sense and critical thinking to see why common sense makes sense, and helping them build their own problem-solving skills.
Ignorant parents are not knowledgeable about how to parent ethically.
Again, there are many ways to raise children, but the best results usually come from smart parenting.
Children who receive smart parenting feel good about themselves and their families, they are confident about their own decisions and they know that their parents did their best.
Ignorant parenting can leave children in the dust of their peers and eventually, under dirt.

Being an Ignorant Parent involves:
- ignoring simple yet powerful child rearing techniques from authoritative works like the Bible, Quran, or Torah
- ignoring useful theories in child (developmental) psychology
- ignoring the history of raising children
- Being intellectually lazy when dealing with children
- Being insensitive to the general nature of children
- Being insensitive to or irresponsible for the needs of children

Jacob: why is Johnny cursing out the waiter? What a dick!
Gussac: oh, that's because his dad curses out waiters whenever he doesn't get what he wants. He told Johnny that waiters are inhuman and that they should be yelled at.
Jacob: ... like father like son, I guess.
Gassac: Yes. They both are huge dicks.

Hepa: My mom doesn't want me to attend a free communication workshop to work on good conversation techniques. I really want to be a fluent conversationalist.
Crystal: What!? That's an important skill to have! Is she nuts?
Hepa: No... she might not realize how important it is for my future career.
Crystal: An ignorant parent?
Hepa: Not sure...

ignorant parents ?

by gotmurc June 28, 2016

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abusive parent

An emotionally abusive parent will make a child (no matter what age) feel guilt for having relationships outside of them. They may also make you feel guilty for other things that have nothing to do with you, just to have the satisfaction of your emotional reaction.

abusive parent

by ... Zjdbckdnznsjd December 1, 2019

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parental curse

A non-standard curse invoked by parents on their children. Said curse cannot be lifted-- only passed on to the next generation. It goes:

"I hope your children grow up to be JUST LIKE YOU!"

Statistically, this curse has shown itself to be effective.

Examples of the parental curse in action can be found in most any parent that became exasperated with the behavior of their kids, especially when they realize they were that way when they were younger.

by TanukiBlue May 17, 2011

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Asian parents

The main cause of dispair in most asian teenagers' lives. Here are some major characteristics of asian parents:

1. They still enforce a FUCKING BED TIME for their children, even if they are in high school.

2. They almost never give their children money.

3. Whenever their kid gets a gift or money from someone else, the parents usually gives them to someone else.

4. The only hairstyles allowed for their children are bowl cut and buzz cut.

5. They force their children to do work and chores all day when they just watch asian movie series all day long.

6. The mom often bitch slaps her child when the child did something wrong" ie. spilled a couple of drops of milk on the floor. The dad punches/whacks/shoves intowall until the child starts crying for similar "offenses".

7. Anything lower than an A is considered a failure. If an asian child gets a B or something, he/she expects a beating at home.

8. There is no such thing as a good grade in an asian home.

9. Typical home made asian cuisine is rice, fish, chicken, and vegetables. Except that they are all poorly cooked and taste worse than partially digested milk.

10. If a male asian teenager's parents see him so much as TALKING with a girl, they will accuse him of having sex with her even if he was merely asking her for something like homework.

11. Asian parents often treat their children like they are 5 years old and claim that they do so because they "care" about their children.

12. They usually speak in Engrish.

Examples of asian parents:

1. Dad can I go watch a movie with my friend? It's saturday.

No! It already 10:30! Get to bed NOW!!!

2. Mom can I have $2 for lunch today?

No go earning it yourself.

3. Mom why did you give my gift card away to some random asian dude?

Because you don't are needing it.

4. Dad: I give you haircut now!
Kid: But my hair isn't even long.

Dad: I don't care! You look like girl! Come over here before I take away you TV and compute privalwoeigb *privaleges*awoiwebgio(word to complicated to process)

5. Dad can I go outside for a while? I just finished a whole SAT.

No! Go do another!

6. Self explanatory

7. Kid: Oh fuck I just got an 88 on my math test.

Friend: You're fucked when you get home...

8. Mom can I go hang out with my friends I just got a 100 on my math test!
Why you no get extra credit? Stay home and study so you get extra credit next test.

9. Self explanatory

10. Mom: Who you talking to on phone?

Kid: Nobody
Mom: Let me listen *snatches phone*
Mom: *in phone* HARRO? WHO THIS?
Girl: Ummm... hi
Mom: *hangs up* Why you talk with girl? You get in bed with her?

11. Dad can you please stop peaking into my room?
No. I have to make sure you no using drug or do illegal things.


Put some suntan rotion on you skin so you no get skin cansa!
You must show me compute history every day so i making sure you no looking at irregal web site!
Why you no get 100? When I little kiddie I arways get perfecting test score with extra credit addeding to score!
I hate you! You no never behaving, always thinking about play. Arr you thinks about are eat, sreep, game. Why cannot you act rike the perfected kid that I wanting you to be? You just an razy stupiding kid who cannotingedry act applopliatery and you justing never not no study!!!

by asdfsadfdsfasdsfadfsdafasd August 17, 2009

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Asian parents

Asian parents.... they seem like any other type of parents... don't they? Well, I guess you're wrong. These are the people that start getting a whole load of us Asian kids upset. Here are some things that happened to me:

1. Not letting their kids play real sport, like rugby union, claming that it will affect their studies and it's too dangerous. Eventually, they'll let you play... but you gotta wait forever.

2. If you don't get good grades, you're screwed. They'll hit you and kill you until you promise to study harder for the next exam.

3. They don't care about your physical health and social life, they just care about your studies.

4. They want you to be a doctor/dentist. No way...

5. They want the best school for you... no matter if it's 2 hours away.

6. You got all A's and just one F in your report card. They'll kill you and belt you for that F.

7. Your parents see a girl hug you at the age of 16. They belt you because the girl hugged you.

8. You play games for over one hour. Asian parents will kill you for it.

9. Got into a sporting gala day? Asian parents wont let you go because they're worried about you missing out on a day of school. Gosh damn, it's only ONE DAY!

10. Every evening it's rice, rice, rice and more rice.

11. "Don't watch MTV, study! You're wasting your time on watching uselsss music videos!" says Asian parents.

These are just 11 of thousands of wrong things that Asian parents do to you. From this, it is sensible to infer that a majority of Asian parents are just dickwads.

I got 97% in my test, my Asian parents are going to kill me. - Typical Asian kid

I got a Satisfactory in my report... I'm dead. - Typical Asian kid dictated by Asian parents

Fuck! I'm into summer school, when did I even register? - Asian kid

by Screw Asian Parents June 19, 2008

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A parent who hovers over their child at every step, especially on the playground, to prevent any possible bad event from occurring, specifically broken bone, interaction with less important child, fall from any height, etc.

My toddler wanted to play with the other kids at the playground but the hover-parents stood in the way.

by Sisterscaryluv August 27, 2007