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Peepee Time

when you're in bed and she says this you know shit's about to go wiiiiiiiiiiiild

her:"peepee time?"
him:"peepee time."
her:"peepee time."

by the Atmey boy July 9, 2021

Peepee Time

when you're in bed and she says this you know shit's about to go wiiiiiiiiiiiild

her:"peepee time?"
him:"peepee time."
her:"peepee time."
*sexy things*

by the Atmey boy July 9, 2021


a peepee is a slang word for a lemon.

A peepee is a lemon

Joe: you want a peepee in that tea?
A fag: what?
Joe: a lemon, what did you think I meant? pervert.

by mormon_mom_911 on ps4 March 8, 2020


Something that boys have and girls like it a lot

They ask how long do I have to suck your peepee for I say tillicum beach

by Trey the bad ass mf January 4, 2021


Comes from the Peepee sac, the Peepee sac is the holder of the Peepee. The scrotal sac.

ayo how much peepee you fit in yo balls?

by Real Holy Ghost November 23, 2021


Just like penis but a family friendly and funny

Peepee poopoo haha so funny

by your local user March 24, 2020


A part of the body that spontaneously elongates and erects

y tf my peepee hard?

by bhindley0404 April 7, 2019