So poor one has to store their money in their butt because one can't afford a wallet
"As an aspiring artist with no prior education, I was buttcrack-poor"
"My buddy was buttcrack-poor during college. Those were some rough years."
Covid-19 poor is whenever you're not homeless type of poor, you just are running out of money because of this fucking pandemic.
Bob: Bro, are you almost homeless?
Jack: No dude, I'm just COVID Poor.
Having a large amount of money in crypto currency, but refusing to take any of it out of one’s crypto wallet, in fear of not making more money.
He’s crypto-poor. He has a million in doge but lives in a shoebox apartment.
A shot of vodka poured into a can of La Croix.
When you are to poor to buy white claw so you make your own.
I didn't have money for a case of hard seltzer so I bought some vodka and a case of La Croix so we can make Poor Claw instead!
A person who lies to collects welfare, free food, and free medical insurance while they actually are making more money then you. Poser poor are the people who go to food pantries so they can afford to get a new pool, jewelry, and expensive dinners.
I can’t believe they are poser poor.
The dire fiscal situation of having next to nothing in the bank because you withdrew most of it before an auto payment went through and left you with nothing.
“All I have is cash at hand. I’m digital poor.”
This word defines a certain catergory of people*, who can afford to go to school abroad and go on vacation every year, but are poor.
*Not to be mistaken for rich or working-class.
“Oh Yusuf? Yea, he goes to school abroad and has a vacation every year, but don’t worry, he’s functional poor.”