The opposite of my ducks are in a row.
I can’t seem to get anything right- My quacks are in a pack.
It means very nice, beautiful, happy, cheerful.
The weather is shadaboop quack.
I'm feeling shadaboop quack!
Quack Sauce: When you drank to much and got significantly better at playing video games.
Dude1: Look at the guy he’s a Quack Sauce he just nay nayed two bosses and then dabbed on there corpses.
Dude 2: Run away he’s going super saiyan, He’ll kill us all.
yo is that a duck?
no dude, thats a little quack. GET IT RIGHT
A queef or pussy fart
Thanks for giving my pussy a good railing, Jimmy. Did you hear my cunt quack after you pulled out?
The best tiktoker out there 😰‼🥰🥵🥵‼
example: omg have you seen Quack._quack.man_2.0's new video???
Random person: omg yes!! I love that tiktoker!!
When three niggas like apple sauce
Hey bro, ya mans on some cheeses quack?