Source Code

Fake Question

When a person on a message board, forum, or social media site attempts to be condescending by putting a question mark at the end of their statement. These statements are never actually questions, they're just lines that, when spoken, cause an inflection in voice in order to sound superior. This never really works because the person who adds the question mark where it doesn't belong has a chromosome deficiency and suffers from the fact that his father also happens to be his mother's brother.

Samantha: I need to know the keyboard shortcut to refresh a website
Faggot: Uhh, press F5?
Matthew (to Samantha): Ignore this faggot. Not only did this rape-supporting bag of dicks answer your question with a question, he answered it with a fake question.

Alex: My phone's been acting up and music plays randomly. I've tried everything and now I need your help.
Faggot: Stop being broken?

by FoxMcWeezer February 18, 2012

12πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Question talk

When someone says the end of words as if finishing saying a question by making it higher pitched.

Question talker: Yeah, i like went to the cinema (said cinema more high pitched) then i got some chocolate (same on chocolate) etc

Person talking to: Dude stop with the damn question talk!

by Willthemop June 4, 2007

13πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Cassandra Question

A question that is dumb or self explanatory

What is a heater? Is a Cassandra question because it is self explanatory

by Hahahgjdjshsjhj April 20, 2011

13πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Question Mark

The sudden increase in pitch at the end of a fart.

Person 1: *fart* *squeak!*
Person 2: Man! That one had a question mark on the end of it!

by Dyl-pod March 21, 2011

18πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

Questionable Ass

A sexual partner whom you know little if anything about. Since you don't really know much about them you don't know if they are free of STDs or if they have a partner etc etc....

When you partake in a one night stand you have to worry about getting some questionable ass.

by bonethruster May 15, 2011

6πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Clown Question

A question that is utterly ridiculous or completely irrelevant to the current situation.

Reporter: What is your favorite beer?

Bryce Harper: I'm not answering that.

Reporter: Why not?

Bryce Harper: That's a clown question bro.

by Dr. Octogonopus BLA June 22, 2012

20πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

Question 5

Question 5 is the last question of the English exam paper. It is a risky question to atempt and you best hope you have one because if you don’t have a question 5, puting your hand up and asking for one when have you disqualified from the exam...

Calum: β€œAh, that question 5 was HARD!”
Lea: β€œYes! I can relate”
Darren: β€œI didn’t have a question 5 but when I asked for one I got disqualified!”

by Agent Milton February 3, 2019

9πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž