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katie raymond

A gorgeous girl with brown hair and greenish eyes she is so pretty I have had a crush on her since the second grade!!!!❤️❤️ She has such a good personality and makes me laugh we know each other but she probably has no idea I like her

I have a crush on katie raymond

by Babybabybabyohhhhhhh is a April 9, 2021

raymond the ridg

ready to smash 24/7. always rolin/smokin. has only one BFF (Kassie D. Guerra) has the love of his nigga, I. and.. has a cute butt.

raymond the ridg is the BFF of Kassie Delaine Guerra.

by kassienigga May 12, 2009

Raymond Meng

A super sexy and smart asian male. Enough said.

Scarlett Johansson: OMG did you see Raymond Meng the other day?

Megan Fox: No, but was he as sexy as ever?

Scarlett: He was so hot! I may or may not have fainted at the sight of him.

*Both swoon and faint*

by Math Debater November 24, 2021

Felix Raymond arc

Killing children (specifically paralyzing them and throwing them out a window)


Performing a lobotomy on a fourteen year old girl named Isabella


Being a shitty father/person

Person A: I’m going to Felix Raymond arc just like Felix (Raymond) !
Person B: you’re gonna get arrested you dumb fuck!

by Theshakenneverland May 14, 2022

Raymond kross

A person named Raymond cross, who is dating my best friend and is annoying but the best man in the world he has a stubble little mustache. He shows his love through insults and loves Fortnite, likes to play load moaning sounds into microphone while on discord call. Raymond Kross is now a word

Raymond Kross went on a date with Lilly.

by oheeee July 28, 2022

raymond chung

A fuckin Asian bitch with no dick. His nome goes inside his ugly deflated basketball looking ass head.

‘“That asshole is a total Raymond Chung

by Anonymous0003 January 19, 2018

Captain Raymond Holt

An adorable big black guy who once read the entire Urban dictionary in only 74 mins. so that he "could converse with the others uniformed officers" .

He's been the captain of Brooklyn 99 precint, a kind of Daddy figure for Jake Peralta and a loving husband to Kevin.

His worst enemy is Madeline Wuntch , for whom he has frequently travelled abroad "to look for new Wuntch insults" . She later demoted him from captain to cop, escalating season 7th in a crazy funny situation.

His robot personality has smoothed down more and more during the 8th seasons of the show and his straight alter-ego "Is a real dog!" (quote by Jake Peralta).

He's really loved by all the squad and makes a great character who loves to send criminals, alias. PUNKS, in prison.

Grandma: "Derek, did you steal 20 bucks from my wallet again?!"
Derek: "...nope"
Grandma: "I know you are lying, You, PUNK!"
Derek: "Gosh, you really sound like Captain Raymond Holt"

"There is nothing more intoxicating that the clear absence of a penis" - Captain Holt alter-ego.

by Spaghetti_Lover_69 September 13, 2023