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Noteworthy social status or notoriety via Instagram or other social media platforms.

"My scroll is like...."
"Nobody cares cause you got no scroll."
"Did you see their scroll? Definitely follow them..."

by pfaffian November 28, 2017


A play on the word "stroll" and the irony of everyone sitting and "scrolling" on their phones.

Meaning to go or move somewhere.

Im going to put down my phone and go for a scroll outside.

by b3nitz September 22, 2022


For when you are too lazy to get up out of your rolly chair at the office and you want to just scroll on over to do something.

Hey George, come scroll on over here and look at this dope turtle!

by FindingAmber May 31, 2018


The act of wiping your PP or Va-J-J after urinating.

Comes from Italian scrollare, meaning to shake, to wag - originally referencing the PP.

Hey, do you scroll yours after taking a leak? No? Man, you're disgusting!

by Lendav November 20, 2020


The act of someone pouring alcohol into your mouth continuously as they swallow

Damn he got scrolled with alcohol

by Bangadrums May 10, 2022

tumblr scrolling

Intentionally meant to sound innocent when in reality the user is deliberately viewing pornogrpahic content or pages that are NSFW.

Guy: hey what’re you up to?

Girl: not much buying a palette on hush.com you?

Guy: just Tumblr scrolling right now.

Girl: oh cool.

Guy: *breaks the fourth wall and smirks at the audience*

by Elkrisreal December 6, 2017

chain scrolling

When you have the tablet scrolling one social feed and the phone scrolling another.

Angelfire, MySpace and ICQ were Gateway 2000 apps to chain scrolling.

by Master Rob Sauce August 4, 2017