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# 2 term in AA members use to describe other members, 2nd only to the saying "He is full of shit"

See that short fat he is a real scumbag

by #TrustTheProcess May 28, 2019


a narcissistic (often female) teenager posting photos of herself again and again on instagram and consuming precious oxygen

She posted another photo of herself yesterday. She’s such a scumbag.

by Unknown_user1210 January 16, 2023


A low life person like Rudy Gulliani for example is a scumbag

Rudy Gulliani is a big scumbag

by Voteandfurious June 27, 2022


usually people by the name of doug. doesn’t know how to act ever. hurts those around.

Wow doug is being such a scumbag today!

by guesswhotho April 10, 2019



Shit man, bubzyz is mentally bullying me... He's a real scumbag

by Pheir July 16, 2019


Quantum fragz with a shotgun

Quantum fragz is a scumbag with a shotgun

by pseudonym6298 September 19, 2022


A dirty, foul mouthed, ugly piece of shit who usually lives in New Jersey and takes this name as a compliment.

That dude is a scumbag

by 732rubin May 10, 2018