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left on seen/read

Hey, did she reply to your message?
-Nah man, she seened me.

by vejtics May 12, 2022

Seen white

Someone who has smoked weed and hit a belter of a whitey

She was so stoned that She seen white

I’ve seen white before bro

by Bigsummablowout123 November 12, 2021


A decrepit Boomer who can't quite recall what he ate for breakfast but is pretty sure he once had some spicy stories to tell. A former scene-yore.

I'm told that he was quite the ladies man in his time but don't ask him to dance dear, he's a seen-yer.

by nedvacation September 12, 2015

The fattest, most bloated piece of shit anyone has ever seen

That is why you're doing it.

Hym "Seriously. The fattest, most bloated piece of shit anyone has ever seen. It isn't even the fat, though, is the crazy part. It's the bloatedness. You look inflatable. If you asked any women... Who she would rather be locked in a room with for 7 days... Showed her a picture of both of us... You could tell her WHO I AM... Full context... And she would STILL choose me over you. You look like you can feel your skeleton floating around in your... I mean- You can't even call it a body. It just IS fat. I could work out. I could get in shape. But no matter what I did, I could never get that distribution of fat on my body. That's it. That's the reason."

by Hym Iam January 16, 2024

1👍 3👎


a person(s) you found online and formed a relationship via their videos

They are my seen-in-law because we are not directly related but we are like family on video calls.

by @mankabeer January 23, 2024

to be loved is to be seen

to do small gestures for your significant other, without them asking, that they would appreciate

she was having a bad day, so her boyfriend bought her favorite flowers and cooked dinner for her. to be loved is to be seen.

by sleepymofo556 May 11, 2024

Ever seen society

Lil white boys with stock ass truck you can find them a a fast food place every night in a jerk circle

Ever seen society is a group of white boys

by Stocktruckhater October 30, 2020