Someone who has smoked weed and hit a belter of a whitey
She was so stoned that She seen white
I’ve seen white before bro
carter is a nickname for ‘cart’ so when asking if they’ve seen carter you’re asking them if they have a cart on them
hey have you seen carter?
no but i’m pretty sure josh saw carter
It means you haven't two pretty ladies or men together as friends and you get the feeling that one of them are ugly
"I ain't never seen two pretty best friends! "
a person(s) you found online and formed a relationship via their videos
They are my seen-in-law because we are not directly related but we are like family on video calls.
to do small gestures for your significant other, without them asking, that they would appreciate
she was having a bad day, so her boyfriend bought her favorite flowers and cooked dinner for her. to be loved is to be seen.
Lil white boys with stock ass truck you can find them a a fast food place every night in a jerk circle
Ever seen society is a group of white boys
When you see a set of two friends.. always one of them have to be ugly
See those people over there? They are best friends and honestly... I aint ever seen two pretty best friends. always one of 'em always gotta be ugly