A supposed friend, or wingman that causes distaste, aversion, or the authoritative driving away of potential snatch in a social setting. A cockblocker of the highest magnitude. An artisan, craftsperson or specialist in cock blockery, unrivaled in his finely honed craft of vaginal repulsion. Usually capable of providing an unproductive bearded clam hunt within one hundred feet of his amplitude.
"Wow, we might as well be fags with William here... our bearded clam hunt is fucked for the night!"
"No shit man, that guy has his snatch repellent game on big time!
17๐ 3๐
When you are so crowded by pussy that you just don't know where to put your pecker. Often the ones having a snatch parade are the ass holes that don't deserve the girls.. and most often involve girls that me, you and your friends will never have a chance with.
1."Dude that jerk is having a constant snatch Parade"
2.Guy: "oh hey, how have you been?"
Ex Girlfriend: "I've been good, I'm engaged now"
Guy: "yeah, it's been constant snatch parade for me"
12๐ 2๐
A picture of female genitalia, commonly taken with a mobile device.
Check out this awesome snatch snap your mom sent me!
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1: The effect on a penis from entering an unlubricated vagina. It is an extremely painful abrasion on the head of the penis resulting from a woman insisting that you penetrate her before she has confirm that her snatch isn't dehydrated.
2: The unsightly stain left on ones new white Egyptian cotton sheets after vaginal secretions have soaked in.
Todd or Tadd or something preppy like that-"First she gave me horrible snatch burn cause she was in such a hurry to get it in her, then she dripped on my sheets and left a huge snatch burn"
6๐ 1๐
When you take something that isn't yours; or, someone who receives something that they didn't earn.
"Hugo just donkey-snatched that girls purse"
"Sara is such a donkey-snatch; she slept with the professor to get a 4.0"
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When a guy comes at you spitting game, or charm to get a girl. Otherwise talk up themselves to seem better than they are. And gets the girl.
Dexter was at the gym, when a young woman walked in. He had to talk to her, he started talking to her. Bragging about things that did not matter. She fell for it she was flo snatched
Someone who can't keep his hands off other mens women
Fred: So how are you, you know after the whole Mary situation
Carl: Well since i found her in bed with that SNATCH BANDIT doing things that can only be deemed criminal, i want to kill myself using an unholy amount of mercury
Fred: Stick in there man.......