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Ball Sniffer

One whome recieves preasure from sniffing beanbags; Activity frequented by dogs; The unfortunate side affect to the sixty-nine.

That Richard Simmons is a real Ball Sniffer.

by Jak Hammer August 29, 2007

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page sniffer

someone who selects to rent or buy books by the smell of the pages.

Sally was at the library one day roaming the shelves. She would grab a hand full of books and smell the pages. She would only check out books that had the most pleasing smells to the pages so that she could smell them before going to bed. Sally was a class II page sniffer.

by pbrgirl September 23, 2005

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Someone with a "multi partner lifestyle" that switches to monogamy, and then criticizes thous that don't...or someone that sniffs cheese

That raindear is a cheese-sniffer

by cheesebreez May 29, 2011

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muffler sniffer

Someone who goes to either car or motorcycle meets and waits for a ride. Usually females are known to hang out. Resembles a groupie just hangs out for the atmosphere and ride.

Hey Matt you see those muffler sniffers? I bet one of the would ride bitch on ur bike.

by SirSam October 28, 2008

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piffle sniffer

a person who sniffs girls bicycle seats

Cyril get away from that bike you piffle sniffer

by goonamerica July 23, 2009

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Rug Sniffer

One who enjoys the aroma of a sweet succulant whore's mound/gash.

"Wowzer. her puppy flaps smell like a really decent cheese, i love that im a rug sniffer"

"Yikes, inhale that lovely smell, smells like my nanas sunday dinners. I love to rugsniff!"

by Green wardy Burnett April 16, 2008

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Poop Sniffer

When you sniff your toilet paper after you wipe your butt.

D: (comes out of the bathroom), Hey K do you ever sniff your toilet paper after you wipe? You know just to see if there is something wrong with you?
K: Oh my God that is so disgusting you are a poop sniffer...

by vsecrets April 13, 2006

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