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stage five clinger

A member of the opposite sex that is likely to become overly attached, overly fast. Virgins, those on the rebound, and the emotionally fragile are more likely to have this term applied to them. Orignally from the movie Wedding Crashers.

We need to get Nick away from that chick. She's a stage five clinger.

We've got a stage five clinger situation. I need someone running interference on the blonde behind me, now.

I nailed that chick last weekend and seriously regret giving her my number - I'm getting 2 or 3 calls a day. I think what we've got ourselves here is a stage five clinger.

by Dan Everett April 10, 2006

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Blumpkin Stage Fright

The unfortune result of a 1st time blumpkin giving person vomiting whilst trying to perform said act for the very 1st time. The reciever of the blumpkin usually ends up covered in the results.

Bob - dude i brought that skank Anne over and convinced her to give me a blumpkin

Tom - Sweet!!

Bob - Not really it was her 1st time and she ended up getting Blumpkin stage fright all over me

Tom - Shit that sucks

Bob- You're telling me!!

by AlienIsGOD February 12, 2009

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failed talking stage

were you was talking to someone and it dont work out at all

dang iโ€™ve been through so many failed talking stages its fucking crazy

by failed talking stage June 9, 2022

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3 stages of life

Stage One: Birth

Stage Three: Death

3 stages of life

by ANUSBOI6869 July 11, 2017

3rd Stage Feminism

Some bullshit made up by some stupid women who think that equal rights is making men have none. Pretty much a Nazi but instead of hating Jews its men! They come in different shapes and sizes but usually fat pigs. Even though they keep trying and have been doing it for years still can't get the facts right. Make up some bullshit about a wage gap and fake rape culture.

3rd Stage Feminism

by Lil Nazi April 23, 2019

Choke On The Main Stage

When one is unable to perform a task or function properly due to stress or being nervous; choking, but on a much greater scale with higher stakes at hand.

Guy 1: Hey, what happened when you were talking to that girl? You just froze up.

Guy 2: Yeah, I know. When it comes to talking to girls, I just choke on the main stage.

by MDog632 March 19, 2016

late-stage capitalism

We have reached late-stage capitalism. This is the era where businesses, investors and even the layperson will try everything they possibly can to capitalize on literally anything and every situation. The increasingly diverse stock industry and the booming crypto mining industry can be seen as one of the many aspects of late-stage capitalism. There is no single way to define late-stage capitalism, as the effects are most often seen on a micro scale and the scope is very broad as a result of the plethora of industries.

Some of the various examples of late-stage capitalism could include, but are not limited to: profiting off of your attractive physique, selling your personal data, selling your poop, dropshipping, house flipping, game companies making every single game pay-to-win, news corporations putting paywalls on their news sites, smartphone companies removing the headphone jack to save money, paying people to say positive affirmations, etc etc.

Essentially, it is capitalism but 10x more savage.

Thanks to the diverse range of markets, Jane was able to profit immensely from selling her bathwater, her used underwear, her poop, her sweat, her private browsing data, how many miles she walked, her emotions, her voice, and even her hair. Likewise, capitalists continue to venture into turning the most ordinary things into profitable commodities, while companies have lowered their standards to cut corners in every way possible to save money. This is late-stage capitalism in a nutshell.

by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian May 4, 2021

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