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canadian flag

What Americans attach to their backpacks/suitcases/purses/bags while in Europe, especially France. Used to disguise identity or in hopes that any sort of harassment will be dissuaded. Usually in small iron-on patch form.

Look at that guy with the Canadian Flag...who does he think he's kidding?

by chernobylspice December 12, 2003

606πŸ‘ 140πŸ‘Ž

Canadian Houdini

First you have to make sure the lights are off and that your girl is facing at a window. As you are having sex with her from behind you pull out as you tell her you’re "putting a condom on" but what really happens is your friend SECRETELY comes out from hiding and begins to have sex with this person. You run outside of the house and look into the window.

Me and Bob ran a canadian houdini on Sarah.

by Ma_Ar_Vi_MAV March 17, 2009

26πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Canadian Quesadilla

A Grilled Cheese sandwich. Must be close-faced.

That Canadian Quesadilla I got at the malt shop today was da bomb.

by Bethilda Buckinsteen June 8, 2009

353πŸ‘ 84πŸ‘Ž

canadian love

A sexual act including maple syrup, canada (of course) and maple trees.... It starts with banging a girl so hard that you knock her out.... Then you bring her up, (if you live in America) to Canada... smother her face with pure maple syrup, then stick her head to a maple tree. Make sure to leave a note saying your sorry for the inconvenience and a map of where she is.

"Hey Tony! I'm going to Canadian Love your mom tonight!"
"Sweet man (haha I crack myself up) just make sure you put some clothes on her before you stick her, it's cold up there"
"Dude, No shit sherlock, I always pack the finest eskimo jackets."

by Stevo K March 27, 2008

110πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž

Canadian Toboggan

When you are having sex doggy-style at the top of a flight of stairs, and, right before you climax, you simultaneously thrust hard and pull the woman's arms out from under her and ride her down the stairs.

I'm a little sore from my bumpy ride on the Canadian toboggan last night.

by Creepy Bill October 18, 2010

26πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

canadian geese

Fucking shit bird that goes honk and will attack you like an africanized honey bee. Seriously a major pest, the one thing that comes from Canada that is not nice in the last bit. Once these things lock on like a predator drone missile to a Isis member they don't let go and you will walk away looking like you went ten rounds with Muhammad Ali. Some nicknames that I have come across for them are: Dick snippers, the honking death, you came to the wrong pond bird, the Canadian air force, and float like a Canadian, sting like a geese.

When you stair long into the Canadian geese, the Canadian geese stair back.

by Space Bars March 14, 2017

36πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Canadian Spread

It's an axle configuration used on tractor trailers and other heavy trucks where the centres of the rear axles are 6 feet apart not a god damn sex position you perverts.

My new Kenworth T800 has a Canadian spread on it, gives me lots of extra traction in the snow.

by jay_P09 January 3, 2015

15πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž