Source Code

Sapp's Law

Internet law based on the observation that if a Republican and Democrat both do or say the exact same thing, the Republican will be trashed and the Democrat cheered

"Do you think that Hillary will be nailed for using Russian propaganda to try to win the election?"

No way- Sapp's Law applies

by Coyote1970 November 18, 2018

30πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Wheaton's Law

Don't be a dick.

Dude, before you go and punch that pregnant lady in the face, may I remind you of Wheaton's Law?

by mediamonkey June 8, 2010

244πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž

Bird Law

It's not the law of the land, but the law of the sky.

It's not against bird law to shit on your new car.

by BillieJeanIsNotMyLover April 13, 2018

83πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Skilling's Law

The immutable law that the higher a person climbs the corporate ladder the more useless they become to common business & management tasks. Named after Jeffery Skilling of Enron fame.

"Why is Bob the VP asking everybody who there are doing?"
"Joyce the Deptartment head is off this week. He told her he'd look after things while she's gone."
"OMG don't let him do anything while he's here. That man is the personification of Skilling's Law."

by Woody 23112 February 16, 2009


2 dudes that hang out occasionally because their girlfriends are best friends

You guys are hanging out on Saturday again?

Ya, we're not best friends or anything, he's just my homie-in-law

by OreoSleeve June 25, 2023

Ruschmann's Law

Named after Henry Ruschmann, the inventor of glitter, stating that if glitter is present, it will inevitably get EVERYWHERE.

Why is there glitter in my microwave?

Ruschmann's Law man, Ruschmann's Law.

by thegnome6631 November 12, 2010

11πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

dog law

When a dog falls asleep on ones lap, one is not allowed to move or disturb said sleeping dog.

I can’t make breakfast because Fido is asleep on my lap; I cannot break dog law.

by DogLawAbider February 10, 2018