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A light switch

A dead meme created by Jacksfilms and his audience from the 54th episode of a popular series called YIAY the question was "What turns you off?" And most of the comments said "A light switch"

"What turns you off?"
"A light switch"
"That's finna woke"

by Dona_atropia September 12, 2018

Bum switch

The possibility to turn off your ass when you need a shit in class

Olivia needed a big smelly shit in class but wasnโ€™t aloud to go so she used her bum switch

by Grace is awesome June 2, 2021

Switching to Paper

When one is deprived of an internet connection for an extended period of time and can only enjoy pornography its traditional magazine form

"I just moved and won't have internet for another week. Looks like I'm switching to paper in the meantime."

by Sexy Randal December 12, 2009

versa switch

An acrobatic position change performed during doggy style sex. The male starts to curl the girl's legs against her chest, then grabs her thighs and forces a sudden rotational movement along her anteroposterior axis. This will normally make the girl land on her back (180 degrees). Can be pushed to the limit by trying a 360 degrees rotation.

Last night I was doggying my baby, when all of a sudden I tried to perform a Versa Switch. I applied too much force, so she just slammed her head against the wall.

by ph3nagen May 24, 2011

Devil's Switch

The evil psychopathic person (Gang Stalk Rat) who enrolls someone into being gang stalked for many years, turns on the Devil's Switch.

"I am able to ruin you socially. Remember I had
another achievement"
"You have turned on the Devil's Switch"
"We could be under close surveillance. If they are
Professionals you cannot hide."

by MRGs August 2, 2006

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Texas Switch

To purposely change, alter, or remove and replace and object and feign its originality in order to keep or steal the "real" object.

Well Me and Joe have the same model of wireless phone. I broke my phone last weekend. So Wensday at work I pulled a Texas Switch with Joe and my SIM cards. MY PHONE WORKS NOW!

by Jacklemen Hearse July 21, 2008

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The Switch

The Switch is a term used for females. When a female ends a relationship because lack of love, on her side, there is no way the opposing party can make her love them again. Once a girl switches, she never goes back.

Davelyn pulled the switch on Jack.

by Mz. Feebee June 4, 2011

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