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typing of the dead

A spin-off version of the video game, House of the Dead. Instead of using the traditional gun to shoot zombies, you are to use a keyboard to help practice your WPM (words per minute).

This version removes most of the scary elements, and replaced it with humor. (The main characters carry a Dreamcast on their back). Zombies throw spatulas instead of axes.

Newbie Gamer: I need to learn how to type because I suck.
Shop Employee: Assuming you play games, why don't you try the "Typing of the Dead?" Guarenteed to help you type faster and tear zombie ass at the same time!

by Gearbox January 26, 2005

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monomanual typing

Verb. The action of typing with a single hand when the alternate hand is currently occupied. While typing monomaunally the rules of punctuation are frequently ignored because of the difficulty in using the shift key and another key single handedly.

During masturbation I had to type monomanually when I received an instant message.

by Aeon August 3, 2003

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type 'r'ice

or type R-ice, basically a derogatory name for the type r's/ any civic or integra/ or even hondas and acuras if you wish probably owned by some poser egg or stupid twinkie

(at night with a group of friends and ur rides.....u c a riced civic coming ur way)
evodrivr: oh shit yo look at that guy coming up in that type 'r'ice, just pray hes not coming here
MR2rllr: if he does just try not to make eye contact with him or that pos civic

by dsm vs vtec September 9, 2007

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nerd typing

When numbers are used in substitution for letters. Commonly found on any online line gaming such as WOW and CS

"this is a good example of nerd typing"

"th15 15 a g00d 3x4mp13 0f n3rd typ1ng"

by GOOFBALL April 6, 2007

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In Pokemon, it's a type of Pokemon living in grass.
They are called grass-type Pokemon.

Oh FU<K, my grass-type Pokemon Oddish got owned by this fire-type Charizard! *cry*

by JayZor December 26, 2006

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typing quirk

replacing letters with other stuff, like using a z for a s, and a 3 for an e.

normal sentence: do you like waffles? i do.
typing quirks: d0 y0u like w@ffl3z? i d0.

by a weirdo who likes tawog December 4, 2022

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The act of pretending you know some thing when in reality you have little to no idea on the subject and are just bs-ing

Phillip: hey what's capital of california

Tyler: san fransisco
Phillip: umm I'm pretty sure its sacremento

Tyler: no no you're wrong.
Phillip: you type-casting me?

by phildo75 July 26, 2011

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